Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Montana General Rifle


Active member
Aug 27, 2013
North Dakota
They say "man plans and God laughs." So when my wife told me she's due 9.16.16, I knew God was laughing at this bowhunters plans. I've rifle hunted MT 5 times with mixed results, always gone first week of season. With the baby coming, I'm thinking of trying later, say 3rd week in November. Im from ND and can hack the cold. Question is, do you guys that hunt late have better success than early? I have hunted the Little Belts and Gravellys but am open to suggestions.
Growing up in NE MT, I killed every deer I had a tag for. All from the sunday before turkey day to that Saturday... Just depends on the areas you hunt.
They say "man plans and God laughs." So when my wife told me she's due 9.16.16, I knew God was laughing at this bowhunters plans. I've rifle hunted MT 5 times with mixed results, always gone first week of season. With the baby coming, I'm thinking of trying later, say 3rd week in November. Im from ND and can hack the cold. Question is, do you guys that hunt late have better success than early? I have hunted the Little Belts and Gravellys but am open to suggestions.

I think the best times are September 20 to October 10, opening day of rifle, and the last week around Thanksgiving.
Hunting late can be really good, the colder and snowier the better
When the snow piles up and the temperature nears zero, there will be few hunters in the woods and bulls will be out in the open trying to survive. I really enjoy the last two weeks of November. Cutting tracks in fresh snow is almost as exciting as a bull screaming.
The worst time to kill an elk is when you don't go hunting.
Thanks fellas, might have to give it a go, the thought of not elk hunting this fall does not sit well. Plus, I ain't picky. Spike, cow, mature bull, godzilla, if it'll tag, I shoot it.
I'm going with a gen tag in November not even leaving home until nov 15 . Gonna spend 8 days north of white sulfar springs hunting in any gen unit my heart desires will probably switch it up day to day . I love elk hunting late with snow . First bull raghorn or better is toast
I think i've taken more (rifle season) elk on opening day than any other, but agree that mid to late November can be very fun, particularly if we have snow and you're prepared for the weather. Congratulations on the baby. Before long, you'll be celebrating that birthday in the woods with him/her at your side, I hope.
My first daughter, now 3 and I have plans for a wyoming antelope hunt in 9 years. I've been training her, at the zoo she points at the deer and tells me to shoot em. Haha
I have become generally disappointed with opening weekend the last few years. Too many people to be relaxing and the elk get chased to hell and back. Im thinking late season may be more my style. I love to muley hunt the snow, why not elk?
I'm going with a gen tag in November not even leaving home until nov 15 . Gonna spend 8 days north of white sulfar springs hunting in any gen unit my heart desires will probably switch it up day to day . I love elk hunting late with snow . First bull raghorn or better is toast

If you don't mind me asking, what is your success rate hunting late? I'm at 50% across the board for hunting the opening week.

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