Montana bears are coming out

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Rather than spend the evening hitting the "Refresh" button and waiting for my elk drawing results, decided it better to take a short drive and a nice hike in search of a bear. I learned two things:

1) I am in tax season shape, not hunting shape.

2) If you look for a bear on your side of the river, you will not see one, but if you glass for one second on the side of the river you lack waders to cross, a really nice chocolate bear will graze in view right where you first put up your spotting scope.

He was safe today, but he will be one I might try to shoot in the coming days. Not huge, but definitely a mature bear, with a wonderful color and I suspect his coat is as good as it gets. Watched him for some time and saw no cubs, which confirmed my first impression of him being a boar.

Given how hard this winter has been, was very surprised to see any bears at this early date.


I've gotta get my butt in shape, or I won't have to worry about shooting a bear this year.
Nice bear Randy. Sure wish I could of been there sucking wind up some steep hillside. I'm carrying a nice "food baby" that needs to go.
That's awesome to see. I am Montana-bound in 20 days.. If I see a bear like that across a river, I'll be going for a swim :hump:
Thanks for the pic! I sorta hate this time of year as I've never made the time and $$ available to try a spring bear hunt. I'm pretty sure at this point that I will be changing that tune in 2015...
I really want to know how getting your newly acquired rug back onto your side of the river goes. Colorado sucks when it comes to bears.
Good looking bear Randy. Just curious...what are your waders of choice? I've seen you pitch them across the river near your truck so you can complete a full loop hike on OYOA episodes before?
Good looking bear Randy. Just curious...what are your waders of choice? I've seen you pitch them across the river near your truck so you can complete a full loop hike on OYOA episodes before?

If it's not too deep, my preference is hip boots. I really don't like to get above my waist in a fast flow river full of spring run off. But, since beaver/muskrat trapping destroyed my hip boots this last month, I probably could have waded without them with the same level of dampness.

For waders, I have some Simms Gore-tex waders. They are almost bomb-proof, very comfortable, and light.

If Lawnboy was not so busy making money, he could have gotten close to this bear, or at least closer. I had asked him to go with, but his empire is growing to the point where he may as well sell his firearms.

I would have given him hand signals of how to get to the bear. He being younger and more athletic, the task of fording a cold stream would have been less of a hinderance for a guy such as him.

Raining like crazy today, so no bear hunting tonight. Supposed to be nicer tomorrow, but that just means the hills will look like a hill of orange ants, with all bear hunters out getting their first effort in for the season. Probably be next Monday or Tuesday before I go again. Next time I am bringing waders, or an energetic guy who does not mind getting wet in an effort to shoot a near winter-coated chocolate bear.

My goal is to shoot the big blonde one I have seen in this area a few times over the last four years. I see him more in the fall than I do in the spring. If I see him this spring, I will shoot him, no matter how fast and deep the river. I always think he is a grizz, when I first see him, based on size and color, and the presence of grizz in this general area. But I can assure you that he is just one big old blonde boar. Who knows, he might have died of old age and I could be hunting for a unicorn by this time.
If Lawnboy was not so busy making money, he could have gotten close to this bear, or at least closer. I had asked him to go with, but his empire is growing to the point where he may as well sell his firearms.

I had the same problem with Lawnboy this morning! A mans got to have priorities! ;)
I'm kinda getting the itch too. I was going to wait til later in the season but with this nice weekend coming up I might have to hit the hills a little bit. Bear hunting and me don't get along. I've never killed one for that matter.

I just bought my tag today so gotta wait til sat evening or sun. I did have a chance to talk to a bear expert at the region 3 office for a while. Really nice guy. He gave me some pointers and places to look at.

Good luck Randy. Hope you get him.
I checked in on a spot last night that I've seen bears use right after they get out if theirs dens in the past. Took me about a half hour classing to turn up this dark black bear. I was too far away last night to tell what it was, might hike in tonight to try and get a better look.

That bear country looks like some tough stuff. I would sure like to do that one more time before I get too old. I hunted them a time or two in New Mexico, but was in no hurry to kill anything, as I figured that I would never leave there-WRONG! I blew a couple of golden opportunities and left it at that.

Do you guys ever try to call them with a predator call? I called one in from a mile away one time and just plain blew it.
I really need to put a western bear hunt on the "to do" list. Sure wish I could have joined the HuntTalk crew this year!
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