Montana 411/20 Lk tag

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As outdoorsman and hunters it is our responsibility to share the gained knowlege with anyone who is willing to learn. If this knowlege had not been passed by our fathers and grandfathers how would we have learned what we know now?

I have no comment on the other shenanigans in this thread; however, there is a BIG difference between teaching someone how to hunt and showing them where to hunt.
The Durfees is not all that it is cracked up to be. Success rate with archery is about 10% in there.

This and if you're not illegally cutting the boundary corners it can be a bugger hiking up and down the property lines on the North side.
Go to the Big Snowies and Find an access point and start hiking.
I get a little tired of the 'my hunting spot' mentality.

. . .

Montana's a big state - there are lots of places that hold big bulls.

Ok great. Why don't you go ahead and post directions to where you've found all of these "big bulls" and let the internet hordes go after them?

Or at least give us the GPS locations of your last 10 public land kills.

My guess is, you have more of the "my hunting spot" mentality than you'd like to admit.
I have no comment on the other shenanigans in this thread; however, there is a BIG difference between teaching someone how to hunt and showing them where to hunt.

There is not a big difference. Your father, your uncle, your grandfather, acousin, a neighbor, somebody took you on your first hunt and showed you where to go.
When you applied for your first out of state hunt you talked to somebody who told you where to start. At some point you talked to a landowner, a fellow hunter or the guy at the local sportting goods store who told you where the big one lived.

ALL of these experiences are the shared knowlege of how to hunt. What you took away from that education was where to start or how to find "the spot". In today's electronic world we have access to so many resources (like this forum) so we can share and receive knowlege from others who share a common interest.

When you provide input to a request for information concerning a certain access point or contact for an area, you are not holding someone by the hand and taking them to specific coordinates where you have an animal tied to a tree for them to shoot. You are helping someone who wishes to see what you have seen go where you have gone and experience the opportunity you have had. Someone helped me find a spot once. I think I should do my part and help when I can.
Ok great. Why don't you go ahead and post directions to where you've found all of these "big bulls" and let the internet hordes go after them?

Or at least give us the GPS locations of your last 10 public land kills.

My guess is, you have more of the "my hunting spot" mentality than you'd like to admit.

Ban me if you wish as I will go quietly but Belly Deep, you were a prick and you know it. Now you are just pointing fingers because we called you on it.
If it's public land then it's open to everyone. If someone want's to go hunt there or tell others about it that's just fine. If you only have one elk hunting spot then I feel sorry for you. Your sense of adventure and exploration must be nonexistent. There's always a new spot to find a big bull and that's one of the greatest parts about hunting. To say a guy is "poaching" a spot is crap. It's public land he isn't poaching anything. The hunting industry has some serious attitude and perspective issues.
When you provide input to a request for information concerning a certain access point or contact for an area, you are not holding someone by the hand and taking them to specific coordinates where you have an animal tied to a tree for them to shoot. You are helping someone who wishes to see what you have seen go where you have gone and experience the opportunity you have had. Someone helped me find a spot once. I think I should do my part and help when I can.


We can help a guy/gal out with a certain area without giving them the GPS coordinates of our latest 10 kills. This is giving them "our spot" by introducing them to the same general area that we like to hunt or have been successful at.
I have enough of a 'my hunting spot' mentality that I won't post GPS locations on an internet forum. But I will say, on a hunt last year we saw over 15 rigs go through the parking lot on opening day. The bull we ended up tagging was a raghorn - but there was a nice 6 point we couldn't get a clean shot on. If you and I sat down over a beer (or coffee, whatever) - I would gladly tell you where I was.

Point is, there was plenty of competition.

The bigger part of my post that you glossed over though is the Access issue. It's a fight that we all have in common and was the main point I took away from Randy's episode.

You may see the episode as 'outing' the Dufree Hills - but from my knowledge in MT many folks knew about it anyway. In my opinion, Randy used that episode as a platform for change.
There's no point in having a discussion if you think what's happening here is similar to the above statement.

But by his explanation it is. The OP said:

Anyone have any tips or suggestions on areas to hunt. I'm researching the RMEF access area to the Big Snowy mtns. I'm also looking into block mgnt areas. I plan on an archery hunt / scouting trip towards the end of Sept....

Cammy said:
At some point you talked to a landowner, a fellow hunter or the guy at the local sportting goods store who told you where the big one lived.ALL of these experiences are the shared knowlege of how to hunt. What you took away from that education was where to start or how to find "the spot"

He was looking for some help on access points to a particular area and how to find the spot. The same way that everyone else respectfully does that on this thread. People will answer or PM if they want to and that's that. If he would have left out the part about access to the Dufree Hills would we even be having this conversation right now?
Another thread that is taking the wrong turns.

Stay on topic of the original post or don't post. The guy had done some homework. He came and asked legitimate questions. Nothing wrong with that. If his doing so offends you, don't keep coming back to the thread.

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