Montana 2021 Trip


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Unable to determine due to velocity
Went to Montana, earned my truck another trip to the body shop, hunted elk, drank rainier, celebrated my birthday, had fun.

Partial team photo, all smiles
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That downed branch came out of nowhere and stabbed by truck

I didn’t really like that valve stem if fender wasn't enough.
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Pit Crew
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Time for a break and to collect our thoughts
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Checked out the Christensen fire, it was warm here
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This could be promising
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Obligatory rifle picture
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Sweet, not quite rain, not quite snow
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Oversized cabelas mitts and Lacroix
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Whoops, the truck wasn’t the only casualty, thankfully that lacroix was a perfect fit a new dust cap on the trailer.
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Forget the Lacroix, get to the good stuff, the frosty ones.
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Shit, payroll is due, I guess I better get a little bit of work done

Snow came, yay. We just finished out pumpkin spiced lattes and are now going to get serious about elk hunting and ……#usethequadsgodgaveus #basicwhitedudes
use the quads god gave you.jpg

Early after the fresh snow I cut a set of tracks not going where I had planned and I heard the voice of St. Newberg “don’t leave elk to find elk”. It was worth it. A mile or so after this bed, he lead me to a group of 10-15. I had a spike ready to hang on a meat pole other than the no spike rule. No one else would give me a shot, then the wind went the wrong way.


This was the story of the week, right on top of elk in the lodgepole several times, but just couldn’t get them to step the right direction. Brian only had a B tag and had a beautiful 5x5 wanting to die while his girls stood behind the trees. The action was truly great all week despite full cartridges.

One day we chased a group off the mountain, up another, down the other side and called it quits when they went back up another. We within 50 yards 3 times, but just needed that step. We were so spent at the end of the day, but it was one of the most intense days hunting I’ve ever had…..see Donnie is all smiles.
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Then Donnie was tired.
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It was our last morning to hunt, our tanks were low, so we decided to “take it easy”. I’m standing on the side of a hill in some pretty open sage and all of the sudden I look up from my phone and there’s a cow crossing 40 yards in front of me….then another cow….then a bull a small 5x5. She looks at me, and I’m hosed. She retreats, so does the cow and then the bull reversing their path. I move 30 or so yards to follow and clear a hump in the hill and 1,2 and 3 are bugging out….#4 that hadn’t seen me is wondering why the others were coming at her. It was unlikely the others were gonna give me a shot given the contour of the hill so I opted to bring her home in coolers. My wife always tells me don’t come home unless I kill something (more on that in a minute).

And, Oct 29th was my birthday.

As they lay
as they lay.jpg

Fuel for the packout

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My buddy Paul asked if I really wanted the ribs?
"Yes, pack them out, and the hooves too"
"you and your food bullshit man"
"I'll cook you dinner and pour you whiskey"
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It won’t suck that bad….all smiles
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Hey look, meat hanger
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One of these vehicles has Montana plates.
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So, we get to town after getting everything back to the truck and stop to get an early dinner and I get this text from my wife. I still have a bear tag, maybe I should take her up on it? She really is that amazing of a woman, outkicked my coverage for sure. She needs to be on Randy's next Marriage Advice podcast.


One final clean before the ride home....or anal meat guy being anal meat guy.
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Let's Go Brandon
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Meat party
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The hoof stock cooled down, dense, delicious meat jello. My skin is going to be radiant with all that collagen. I'm gonna make the housewifes of Los Gatos seriously jealous.

It would have been nice to take home two elk, but I’m not sad. It was an awesome trip with a good group of dudes. Now I just need work to slow down so I can cook some of this elk beyond making stock for it.
Really great recap, and even greater wife! But like, for real—what are you going to do with that meat jello?
The only question I have is where did you find Rainer in bottles?
Congratulations on a successful hunt and meat in the freezer.

From the sounds of your wife's text, you have a pretty awesome supportive wife!

Huh? Hooves?

Loved the write up!

I reheated this and poured it into silicone cupcake molds then froze them. Once frozen I popped them out, vacuum sealed each and I'll used them in any soup, stew, braise or any demi type sauce I'll make.

They're like a nutrition boulion that adds a lot of body/richness to whatever I'm making. Just using them like pig trotters is all.
You sure that elk didn't have hoof rot?😉 Congrats on a great trip and filling the freezer!

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