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Montana 1 upped by Idaho in Wolf take shenanigans.

Didn't biologists come up with the 150 number?
Yup because people need easy numbers. The point is managing for the minimum is never the way to success.

This would be like scientist going to the legislature saying we have too many cattle on the landscape, we're not going to wipe them out, but we need to get them under control so we're going to shoot every single one more than the ranchers need to break even that year.
Trust me no one wants to wipe out ranchers.

All it takes is one bad year and ranchers would be broke

All it takes is one bad year and wolves are being put back on the ESA
This passing is likely the only way wolves end up back on the ESA.
It will also be a dam good precedent for the argument against delisting grizzlies in Idaho.
Idaho f&g is playing the politics on wolves. They are strategically opening more each year in a controlled manner that would hold up against legal challenges.
This is chess not checkers!
This passing is likely the only way wolves end up back on the ESA.
It will also be a dam good precedent for the argument against delisting grizzlies in Idaho.
Idaho f&g is playing the politics on wolves. They are strategically opening more each year in a controlled manner that would hold up against legal challenges.
This is chess not checkers!

I don't think they'll get wolves down to 150 even with this. They'll need to step it up to poisoning to achieve that imo.

I'm all for idahoans doing some predator control, but legislation like this is shooting a hole in the boat. The non-hunting public will be opposed to it, and it's misguided at best to most biologists.
Yes IF they do . I won't buy the beer if they use Helicopters cause that is the only way to get it done .
🙄. Bet’s off then Nostradamus.
The wolves are not going to be relisted on any ESA
No mention was made about helicopters in this statement.
The wolves are not going to be relisted on any ESA
This looks like a prediction to me. Do we need to hold hands for comfort?

I don’t care if Idaho gets to 150 via .270, connibears, RPGs, a Blackhawk, or a combination of any the above. 150 will guaranteed trigger ESA action.
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Why do we even have wildlife biologist when the Ag industry has all the answers.
GREAT question, and even more appropriate when said biologists aren't allowed to even practice biology and thwarted by their own department.

Further, why have a commission when the legislature controls everything wildlife related.
Yup because people need easy numbers. The point is managing for the minimum is never the way to success.

This would be like scientist going to the legislature saying we have too many cattle on the landscape, we're not going to wipe them out, but we need to get them under control so we're going to shoot every single one more than the ranchers need to break even that year.
Trust me no one wants to wipe out ranchers.

All it takes is one bad year and ranchers would be broke

All it takes is one bad year and wolves are being put back on the ESA
Question for you.

If managing for the minimum is never the way to success, why does Montana manage elk, deer, pronghorn, goats, sheep, and moose that way then?

Seems ridiculous for them to be forced via legislation to kill elk, deer, and pronghorn down to minimum objective numbers...but not wolves.
Question for you.

If managing for the minimum is never the way to success, why does Montana manage elk, deer, pronghorn, goats, sheep, and moose that way then?

Seems ridiculous for them to be forced via legislation to kill elk, deer, and pronghorn down to minimum objective numbers...but not wolves.
I don't think you will find many of us who want any species managed to minimum numbers regardless of species.
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