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Montana 1 upped by Idaho in Wolf take shenanigans.

First, you'd need to go back to the initial post that prompted this portion...

Is there a difference between MT wolves and others. This was questioned by another. That was the initial intent. Not whether the wolf attacks on humans is a good defense to keep wolves in State managed hands.

Questioned whether attacks occur - fact is they do occur.

The rate has dramatically increased as more humans press into apex predator territory. This is shared not only on the ADF&G release though others as well related to wolves, mtn lions, griz, etc...

This is not a key talking point to kill wolves or for the purpose to keep them off the USFWS political agenda.
This is a thread that trailed onto another track, somewhat with one person questioning if MT wolves were different than other wolves.

However, on the note: the law of averages, applied to the growing statistics of human encroachment and increased attacks presents a value to consider as years continue.

Apologies for my out of context postings. Too many woof threads on various boards to keep track of the topic i guess.
Apologies for my out of context postings. Too many woof threads on various boards to keep track of the topic i guess.
Threads grow tentacles at amazing speed. Still enjoyable reading material when taking a break from the house to do list or simply to pop some popcorn, throw on the Michael Jackson sunglasses and... enjoy the show.

The petition submitted yesterday by the Global Indigenous Council and some two dozen other groups seeks to add enforcement teeth to an existing requirement that states not compromise healthy wildlife populations.

Tactically, the petition is trying to counter states that in recent years have expanded predator control programs and permitted controversial practices including baiting, use of dogs, aerial spotting and deployment of artificial lights for nighttime hunting.

“Federal officials must stop ignoring the use of conservation funding by anti-wolf states to slaughter ecologically important carnivores,” said Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation program director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “Federal wildlife management funds should only be given to states that can be trusted to conserve their wildlife for all Americans.”

The petition asks Interior Secretary Deb Haaland to adopt regulations making states ineligible for grants under the Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act and Sport Fish Restoration Act if they allow hunting and trapping at levels that compromise healthy populations of wildlife, including predators.

About $1 billion in federal aid is provided annually to state game agencies.

The funding comes from taxes on sporting firearms and ammunition. States can use the money for projects, including wildlife research, buying habitat and hunter education.

Advocates described the petition as “a reaction to recent actions in states such as Alaska, Idaho, Montana and Wisconsin to, in essence, declare open season on wolves.”

“A healthy predator-prey relationship is necessary for healthy wildlife populations as a whole,” said Rick Steiner, a Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility board member and retired University of Alaska professor.

Steiner added that “no state, including Alaska, should receive millions of dollars in federal wildlife restoration aid each year, while they continue ecologically destructive efforts to severely reduce or eliminate populations of wolves, bears, coyotes and mountain lions.”

The petition was filed the same day Yellowstone National Park officials announced that three gray wolves had been killed by Montana hunters. The two female pups and a female yearling were killed outside the park's northern boundary in the first week after wolf season opened earlier this month, park officials said.

Earlier this year, Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte signed more open-ended hunting laws described as intended to reduce wolves’ attacks on livestock and big game herds. Ranchers say they lose a bundle every year to those attacks.

Idaho legislation passed this year allows the state to hire private contractors to kill wolves and expands the hunting of predators to allow the use of snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles, as well as the killing of newborn pups and nursing mothers on private land .

"We have areas of the state where the wolves are having a real detrimental impact on our wildlife," Idaho House Majority Leader Mike Moyle (R) said in May. "They are hurting the herds, elk and deer.”
Interesting take by eco-extremists...

“because the previous five-year monitoring period has been demonstrated to be inadequate for ensuring long-term state commitments to a recovered gray wolf population.”

Clear example that contradicts the political agenda impression that recent MT and ID intent to reduce the excessive wolf population is the catalyst for the extremists agenda... hense, eco-extremists have attacked the prior five years for the recent extremist urge for USFWS tangle with State wolf management.

That’s all well said. I AGREE that Mt and Id politicians did this the wrong way and shouldn’t be involved in any wildlife management decisions. At the same time it’s overdue that western states quit pandering to eco terrorist groups who exist seemingly only to file lawsuits. Idaho’s implementation of the new rules changed things very little where I live and really only expanded opportunities on private land minus being able to shoot from a motorized vehicle. That’s little advantage when you can’t get a snowmobile or anything else 2 yards of a road due to the dense forest. The trapping on private land adds little opportunity since we don’t find many wolves on private. I know other areas people probably trap a bunch of wolves on private that’s just not the case in North Idaho. We will see what happens but I feel idfg has implemented the rules in a way they will have an uphill battle proving we don’t have an adequate regulatory and management system. The headlines of Idaho proposing to eliminate 90 percent of wolves is the most irritating aspect of this whole fiasco. I hate to see that line parroted by other hunters when it’s in reality impossible with recreational trapping and hunting.

Unfortunately, in the United States of America all citizens have a right to petition their government for redress of perceived wrongs. And since wildlife is a public trust, owned by no one and held IN TRUST for all, including future generations, and we have constitutional obligations towards the "chain of command" related to federal supremacy over the states, AND, again, there being more than just a population issue in play, this is a predictable outcome.

And it's not just Idaho here. It's MT's rush towards deregulating wolves that is likely what pushed this over the edge, rather than just ID. This kind of scenario is why so many of us pushed for WY to adopt trophy game status, it gave all states tied together on the population more leeway to adjust management not only during the 5 year monitoring period, but afterwards as well.

Left & Right wing extremists will sue. That's a constant. What is not constant is maintaining an adequate regulatory mechanism in place (meaning statutes that place protective designations on recently delisted animals just as it means hunting & trapping regs) by the states to ensure the long-term viability of a species.

If we reduce the arguments around this issue to left versus right rather than a question of the law, then we fail to put forward a stellar defense of the actions taken by the state. Given MT's Attorney General, I expect him to make some pretty bad moves the reinforce the Service's concerns rather than assuage them.
"A group of Democratic lawmakers on Thursday urged the Biden administration..."

Hmmm... Democrats repeat themselves.

Nothing new here folks. Merely Democrats being Democrats led by eco-extremist $carrot$ stick...

"In an effort to derail escalating legislative attacks on the Endangered Species Act, 25 senators sent a letter to President Obama today voicing their opposition to proposed riders in the current budget negotiations that would weaken protections for endangered species, including ending federal protections for gray wolves. The letter was spearheaded by Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), ranking member of the Senate Environmental and Public Works Committee, and Senator Cory Booker, (D-N.J.) ranking member of the Subcommittee on Oversight within Environment and Public Works."

Then, DRAMA REPORT: The Center for Corrupt Diversity was kicked in the nuts by Republican Simpson and the eco-extremist turncoat, Democrat Tester...
And CBD turned on the evil Tester for not obeying their bought & paid collective Democrats.

"With Democrats like Tester, who needs Republicans?” asked Kierán Suckling, executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity. “Jon Tester’s job creation agenda is concerned with only one job — his own.”

Eco-extremist never ending objective to use their paid political leading Democrats.

This is the former Democrat pendulum extreme swing that kept the States w/o the ability to regulate wolves. Eco-extremists feeding their Donkey.

Now, the current Republican pendulum extreme swing to fix the fug ups of the Democrats.
Republicans fed by the same voters who overwhelmingly turned MT into a full Red State...

The ruling does not directly impact wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and portions of several adjacent states that remain under state jurisdiction.
I don't recall the specifics of the Simpson- Tester rider. It prevents the courts from overturning delisting in the GYE I believe, but does it prevent a new ESA listing for that population?

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