Mojave in the hoooouuuuuuse


New member
Jun 12, 2002
Hey all. Yeah I know you've been missing me. :p I've been just too busy with my fabulous jet-setting life to hang out in this old pit.


As you see I have a few moments to spare right now. I've got a short layover between Paris and Milan so I thought I'd say howdy.


Kisses to all the little people and lets do lunch. ;)


Oh wait, lunch around here probably includes a camo dress code huh? Hmmm gonna have to crawl deep in the back of my closet for that.:D

I don't know, $5 says its actually Moosie getting in touch with his feminine side. If it was really Mo, this would be in the adult section!!! :p:p:p
chit--I was just thinking the other day, did Moosie off his sis or was Mo really Moosie's other side and due to therapy he was keeping that side..................

really though good to see ya back----chris
No Me.. I travel between Montana and New Mexico and use a truck, not Paris and Milan with a jet and fararri :D
Nope no pregnancy (thank goodness). What I have been doing the last year was far more interesting though. Let’s see in the last year alone I:

- Learned to play poker at 2 in the morning with a former meth addict, a homeless activist, two former dot com millionaires and a famous chef/boy genius from Napa valley.
- Impersonated a police officer 3 (no wait) 4 times and a federal agent once.
- Casually chatted with gang members cuffed in the back seat of a police cruiser.
- Helped evacuate southern California wildfire victims.
- Attempted to help evacuate wildfire victims in Idaho 4 times. Idahoans are tough self-sufficient buggars though and wanted none of it for three of those.
-Was mistaken for a hooker and propositioned by a John (seriously I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt and tennis shoes for crying out loud). PS I was on a cell phone call with my boss when it happened so...bonus points. :rolleyes:
- Got my chest signed by a rock drummer (that was the tamest thing that happened that night). Mmmm really good night.
- Crashed a full sized commercial airplane and got to hang out with Homeland Security and the FBI as a result. (Long story)
- Got stuck to a sidewalk at 3 AM when my boots instantly froze to it from the water overflow from a housefire (not my house).
- Carried (successfully) 4 weapons (including pepper spray) through airport security and onto a plane without TSA knowing about it.
- Rafted the Colorado river .
- Rocked out to Korn in 113 deg. weather while bonfires raged inside the amphitheater.
- Interviewed the inhabitants of an apartment complex all of whom were convicted felons (mostly child molesters).
- Got to be friends with a local radio DJ gaining me some incredible VIP access (way cool stories I can’t even begin to relate here).
- Accidently ended up in the middle of a gay pride gathering and had a ball!
- Visited Cheyenne Mountain (If I tell you any more about that I’d have to kill you).
- Smoked a “water pipe” for the first time. We’ll just call it a water pipe OK? ;)
- Traveled offroad in both the Utah desert and up an impassable mountain road in the Rockies with nothing but a (non-4WD) sedan. (For the latter thank god for rentals).
- Raced in and won an “Amazing Race” type contest.
- Was introduced to opera by a drop dead gorgeous tenor. Mmmm James.
- Spent a week in a resort frequented by presidents in tony Beaver Creek , Colorado . Then turned around and slept on the floor several days with 4 other people in a damp life guard shack in a run down low rent town in California .
- Frolicked in the middle of a herd of live elk.
- Had my heart severely broken at least twice.
- Learned to roll sushi
- Got my very own stalker complete with 3 punctured tires. Blech. |oo
- Walked through more burned out houses and apartments than I can count.
- Made out on the back of a motorcycle.
- Seriously pissed off a known drug dealer (no I don't do drugs, so not my dealer).
- Ran away from home for a while.

And every one of the above statements is completely true and absolutely happened....more or less. :p I have photographic proof for most of it. It was a weird year.
Wow Mojave, that's all you did while you were have nothing on your brother! :D It's good to have you back, now post some pictures of the above said experiences...... :eek:
Well some of these pics I just need to keep under wraps ;)

But for starters here are some shots of the CA wildfires. I'm not in many because well I'm taking the shots. Also we had to be very careful about shooting our "clients" so even though we had thousands of evacuees at various points, you don't get to see them here for the most part. What you get to see is places I helped run shelters, places I met up with teams and places where I waited for transport, etc. etc. . There is a lot of waiting in disasters.

Click on this to see slide show

Then there was this sweetie, Ricardo, my poker teacher and one of my most constant companions and partners in crime while I was there. He is one of the most brilliant young men I've ever met, a verbal sparring partner supreme. Also an artist in the kitchen, he produced breakfast for the two of us one morning from practically nothing. It was sublime!


My other team member Eric. He was stuck to me like glue the whole time I was there and we had each others back no matter what. He had the best stories about some research he did in Iraq. Instant tight friends.


A quick pic of me at headquarters in San Diego. Not a flattering photo but what are you going to do?

Here are another couple of fun ones. Here I am playing cop with the Ada Co. Sherriffs department.



In this second one, my friend the deputy on the left is holding a gun on what ended up being 5 armed gang members. He and I were the first ones on the scene much to his chagrin as I was only playing cop that day and really was no help at all. Note I am in still in the car taking the pic. I don't think he would've been real pleased to know I was taking pics too so no one give me up, OK?
Accidently ended up in the middle of a gay pride gathering and had a ball!
If you had a ball, you were changing the whole gay pride thing, shoulda had a TACO

I thought maybe you got religon and signed into a convent.

It is good to see ya back.

A quick pic of me at headquarters in San Diego. Not a flattering photo but what are you going to do?

Its not that bad, the large black guy makes you look slim:rolleyes:
Welcome back, you were sorely missed as if you hadn't noticed... :)

I especially like the first pic in your slide gallery...
- Smoked a “water pipe” for the first time. We’ll just call it a water pipe OK?

- Seriously pissed off a known drug dealer (no I don't do drugs, so not my dealer).
That's seems pretty consistent... :D Glad to have you back around and keep the stories coming.
It sounds like an incredibly different year. They are not all like that are they? How come you don't wear your camo more? You look good in it.
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