Caribou Gear

Minuteman Project Working Already!!

Jose, Come on! Do you really believe crap like that? Funny how it has "intruders" in quotes when referring to illegal immigrants, as if they really aren't intruders! And I don't believe that the Minutemen ever thought they would stop illegal activity, just that maybe the government might notice that people really do see this as a problem, and EXPECT the government to acknowledge it and do something about it.
The newest report I heard on the radio is that it is the ACLU legal observers who were tripping the sensors. They were trying to sneak around out there and find illegals before they got to the road where the minutemen were. CLASSIC!!
Are these 2 people vigalantes or fat racists, like JoseB talks about??? read below

ST. GEORGE - When Randy Green's 22-year-old daughter heard something on the news about the citizen border patrol on the Arizona-Mexico border, she told her father that she wanted to go.

The issue of illegal immigrants is a personal one for the father and daughter. Eleven years ago, an illegal immigrant raped Green's daughter in her bedroom. She was then stalked by the rapist's friends. Eleven years later, she is still working to put the experience behind her.

"If I could help someone not go through what I went through 11 years ago, it would be worth it," Green's daughter said. "To this day, if I think someone is following me, I get nervous."

The father and daughter were participating in the Minuteman Project, which is a group of volunteers who are patrolling the Arizona-Mexico border in an attempt to curtail illegal immigration.

That particular area is considered by some to be the most vulnerable stretch of the southern border.

Randy Green said his daughter felt that if she could help stop one illegal immigrant from coming across the border, she would feel she had done something worthwhile.

"My daughter was the driving force," Green said. "What happened to her when she was 11 years old nearly destroyed our family."

Although Green and his daughter could not participate in the actual patrol because he had to be back at work Monday, the two found the experience to be an eye-opener.

Green's daughter said fences were torn down in places, and the fences that were intact were only four feet high. She said she thought there would be more of an obstacle and was disappointed that the fence was the only means of keeping illegal immigrants out of the country.

Green said despite media reports of only a few hundred people showing up for the citizen patrol, he estimated there were about 600 volunteers for the patrol, which started Monday and will run for about six weeks.

Staying with Glenn Spencer, who maintains an American Border Patrol Web site, which deals with illegal immigration, the father and daughter participated in the volunteer orientation in Tombstone, Ariz. They attended rallies at the Naco and Douglas border patrol stations in Arizona.

Green said Spencer has a new home right on the border near the San Pedro River, which runs north into Arizona from Mexico. The river is a freeway for illegal immigrants, Green said, and the river bottom is filled with tire and foot tracks despite being a riparian reserve under Bureau of Land Management jurisdiction.

Joining the hundreds of civilian volunteers, most armed with binoculars and a cell phone, were about 500 additional border agents, Green said.

Green said that from Spencer's home, they watched a suspected drug runner chased by border patrol agents cross back over the border into Mexico, effectively ending the chase.

Green said the drug runners often will pay people to cause a commotion. Once the attention of border agents is occupied, the immigrants cross the border in another area.

Set up in sectors, Green compared the civilian patrol to a big neighborhood watch, with very few of those on patrol actually armed.

"We were just the extra eyes for the border patrol," he said.

Both Green and his daughter said they don't have a problem with people immigrating to the United States as long as it is done legally.

"This is how we all got here," Green said.

Green's daughter said the problem with the system is that illegal immigrants are picked up and deported without consequences.

"It's like a free trip back home to visit their family, and then they come back into the country," she said. "I don't have a problem with people coming here to get money to help support their families as long as they are doing it legally."
Here is a reply from another board from a buddy of mine, AHWC, knows him well.

"I hope this becomes a permanent mind set and installation. The citizens of this nation hold our government and judges accountable for protecting us for real. Go look what comes across. Maybe they need to look around a little.

When 1,000,000 Talliban cross the border and poison our country, will we believe it. Hold on, let us check with CNN to see if it is true. Did anyone get any footage of the two planes that flew through the towers, hold on, this is only a HOAX, I am sure there will be a thorough search of the capitol for anthrax before the dead beats sit down.

Where are the huevos??????

No Presidents daughters have been raped yet. No Senators or Representatives children are on drugs or bumped off by the Mex. Moff.

All is well.

B.S. out"
I really put a lot of credibility in what you say Cheese, I mean theres nothing more credible than a high school educated middle aged contract mopshot ditch digger who lives in Anaconda and works 3 days a year.
I think you lost all credibility with the pictures you posted of you practicing beastiality with a dead elk and the pictures of you felling green trees and digging pits on NF lands...

:D oh my god that hurts so much just stop, your killing me (snicker, snicker... ;) :)

Now as you would tell me... :D "SHOW ME THE PROOF" :D

Let's see some documentation backing up your claims and innuendoes, there needs to be reliable proof of your allegations or your just blowin farts out the backside so to speak.

Well digging holes and cutting "green trees" I have pics in the Trophy room section any one can see, where the pit was dug is around six miles from NF grounds and as bad as it hurts "your" feelings, that is just to far for them to have any jurisdiction. As far as the "green trees go there is absolutely no law governing against the cutting of any of the trees I have "KILLED", and I have killed plenty of them.

I even had a motto to cover what I did... I would be out Raping and Plundering our Natural Resources for Personal Profit, Pretty Cool HUH!!! :D... Even worn out 8 good saws in the pursuit of it and haven't even made a dent in the population.... "Yet".... :D

“contract mopshot ditch digger”
You make no sense here, you'll have to be a little more specific for our audience to what you mean, there is no such job description I have ever seen or even heard of for that matter for this, so I guess you will have to go more in-depth and explain exactly what this is. You lost me on your translation of something :confused:

P.S. you spelled ‘beastiality’ wrong… ;)