Caribou Gear Tarp

Minnesota Black Bear 2014


New member
May 14, 2014
Well I checked the Bear license lottery results last night and.. success! I’ve tried to get a tag for the last two years, but had no luck. So this fall I’m extremely excited for the chance to do some bear hunting. Especially considering the # of tags declines every year. You can bet on September 1st I’ll be in a tree. Do you guys have any tips on bear bait and what has worked well for you? So far I’m thinking oats, popcorn, corn, chocolate syrup, cooking oil, kool aid spray, and liquid smoke. Any suggestions will be welcomed!

“In order to write about life first you must live it.”
― Ernest Hemingway
Try your local bakery for day old pastries and the like. I have never baited bear, but know some guys from my hometown that do this. With the cooking oil, see if you can get used frier oil, I have heard this works well too.
Have you thought about a honey and/or bacon burn? Works well and is simple to use. Best of luck. Not looking for your spot, but where in general in MN will you be hunting?
In the fall I use lots of apples. A tree at every homestead here so it is free and they love them. Dog food also works well. Old bread and pasteries work awesome if you can get your hands on any. Most important part is get as much smell as you can on the bait. The bears will only find it with their nose or dumb luck.
Nice, thanks for the suggestions! I'll be hunting near the Canadian border by Littlefork. Actually where Mr. Randy Newberg went to high school.
Last year we did bacon burns to locate a few bears then set up some baits. Dog food,Marshmallows an hit up your local little Debbie dealer and buy all the out dated sweets from him.

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