Military pension cuts


Active member
Sep 26, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
I wish this cutting of military pensions didn't bother me as much as it does. The reality is………I do feel marginalized by this. It feels like a slap in the face for the sacrifices that my family and I have made to do what we do. Here I sit spending another Christmas in a land far away while the government tells me that I haven't earned what they agreed to pay me when I signed up over 17 years ago. They changed the rules/contract on me this late in the game……it's not right.
Paul Ryan says they have to change the "benefits" that we get. It's not a benefit, it's an earned pension that they agreed to pay. This change (-1% a year) is only going to make 1/6th or 1% difference to the governments financial situation but makes a huge difference over time on my future earnings.
Meanwhile, almost 20 million illegal immigrants who are criminals unlawfully living in our country will not see any drop in the amount of money set aside to support them. How can this be possible? It blows my mind.
I didn't even have to be here this time. I volunteered for this deployment because of how strong I believe in what I am doing. When things like this happen at a time like this (holiday season) when I'm feeling a little lonely and missing my family………it makes me wonder if I did the right thing.
I guess I'll just try to not worry about the things I can't control. I'll try to remember why I signed up in the first place………to fight for the freedom of those I love……..You!
If you know that I am willing to fight and die for you if that's what it comes down to, I will have done my job. Make it worth it. Love each other and don't take what you have for granted.
Merry Christmas!
Love MSG Ray White
That is really a slap in the face Ray, and it is definitely not right. It's quite disgusting actually. Thank you so much for all you and your family have sacrificed, and try to have a Merry Christmas even though you are not at home!
This made me sick to read! The mindset of our politicians absolutely drive me crazy. Thank you so much for all you do!
There's not much I can do, but if it means anything at all, the last few employees that I have hired are recently active military, and one current Army Reservist. This was not by coincidence!
I hear ya' man. I've been in ten years and my commitment takes me to almost 12. At that point, there's not much use in getting out. My understanding is that pension increases are capped at 1%/yr. That said, it will be outpaced by inflation while buying power decreases. Do I like it? HELL NO! I've got another month and a half left on my deployment and go back and forth on getting out with friends. It's still the best retirement in town and I'm in a position to start a job on the outside making over $100K a year. Even with an increase in salary, I would be giving up a hell of a lot in retirement.

On the plus side, they haven't touched medical benefits...yet. That's a huge advantage in our direction and another amazing benefit. I only hope that the sequester is over roughly the time I retire from the military and our retirement is better. The Air Force is cutting 25K Airmen (Enlisted and Officer) and giving insane bonuses to pilots ($125K plus, C-130/heavy guys) so it's hard to see the equity in it; however, we are the Air Force and they are our business.

In the end, I wouldn't get to pissed. You're still going to get a sweet retirement with medical benefits and if you want go GS and have a second federal job to retire on. Those two with the potential for social security (who knows, don't want to debate right now) and you should be sitting pretty damn pretty by the time your 60.

Anyway, it totally sucks, but I'll continue to serve and make wise investments. If you can do that, you'll be good.

It kills me to see my wife and kids and hurts like hell not to be there for Christmas, but we do this for them so they are taken care of and in a few years will never have to again knowing they have a roof over their heads anything they could possibly need.

Stay sane and keep truckin'. After new years it'll get easier and you hopefully can start counting the days until your back home again.
Ray... This does not only happen to the military as is also happens in the private sector as well. I only pray when my pension kicks in that it is in tact and not screwed with . We all make sacrifices for our jobs and it sucks when they change the rules on us. I hope you and your family have a great holiday season even though you are stuck somewhere else.
In spite of our deadbeat politicians' misplaced priorities know that you're appreciated. Merry Christmas, thank you, and stay safe.
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Recently I saw some numbers showing the percentage of population that served and sacrificed by participating in military service. It has significantly declined since WWII. This trend is strongly reflected in our state legislatures and in Congress by the rhetoric and actions of clueless politicians.
They seem to have very little recognition of the importance of a strong and motivated military force. Furthermore they apparently lack appreciation for the sacrifices of military men and women each and every day all over the globe. This amount of "savings" of federal dollars is insignificant compared to the disrespect and lack of national defense appreciation to which it equates.
Before my rant, I want to thank you, Ray, and your fellow service members, for all that you do for us. The sacrifice and contribution made by you and your families is greatly appreciated in our house, even if it is not fully appreciated in Congress.

When one looks at the difference this change makes in the margins of discretionary spending, one must shake their head. Especially when compared to the fairness factor, and as seen here, in the morale of those give so much.

Stay safe, my friend.
Veteran's who have served their country and sacrificed so much shouldn't have to go through this, the lower enlisted ranks make up the bulk of the service and they get approximately 18,900 a year in compensation. Look at the ranks and names on the veteran's memorials they're the one paying the price. How can they raise a family and make ends meet? I can't understand why Paul Ryan did this to them. Maybe the real enemy isn't in Afghanistan but right here!
God bless you and all of our troops, as well as their families who don't see them as much as they should.

Have a Merry Christmas.
It is truly unfortunate that the politicians in this country do not appreciate you guys anywhere near as much as we do. It blows my mind how they can continually screw the very people that are making our way of life possible. Just know that we are behind you and very much appreciate you and your families sacrifices.
This is Bullchit.....Can't believe they would pull the rug out from you guys like that. Should make it hard to recruit in the future, when anyone signing up knows "a deal is not really a deal".
This comes as no shock. I've been dealing with the exact same thing on the civilian side of these cuts that congress has made on all government workers.

Because they are unable to come up with real solutions, the only way they can appeal to their constituents, and show they are "doing something", is to slash the benefits and pay of Government workers. Its the easy way out for their lack of leadership, period.

Like Big Fin said, the amount saved in discretionary spending with these types of cuts is meaningless in the big picture.

I'm glad to see support and compassion for those that are facing these cuts from some of the people responding to this thread. The problem is, for every one person that disagrees with them, there are a bunch of tea-bagger types that are glad and happy to see these cuts.

I've testified, written letters, and lobbied the hill on this very issue...and its fallen on deaf ears. I wish there was more I could do.

Like others have stated, there are people that really do appreciate and sympathize with how Congress is choosing to beat up their military and civilian work force. Congress is in need of a severe house-cleaning...
Well said Ray. Sure is a swift kick in the boys, huh? I am now at 19 years and feel very betrayed. The worst for me is seeing jokers having the balls to drive around post with Obama stickers on their cars. Nothing like seeing that your own contributed to the pain :(
10% approval rating yet over 90% incumbent reelection. Far too many aren't willing to check another box.

The best post on this thread.

I can lobby, whine, cry, and write all the letters I want...its a waste of my time really.

There has to be sweeping change in Congress, and its everybody elses fault that it never happens.

Blaming one party, or the President, for this kind of issue isnt accurate and isnt going to solve the problem...95% of congress needs a permanent vacation, including every one of the Wyoming Delegation.
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Don't forget when you turn 62, your retirement returns to what it should. The cut we face is only temporary...sort of a ridiculous.