Midwest WT rut reports


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Seen 3 bucks tonight, one dink was chasing a little. Cold snap got his nads twitching I guess. Other 2 just fed on the billions of acorns that fell this year. I rarely see any signs of rut this early.
Been out 3 nights in a row , froze lastnight . Saw 4 bucks together tonight . Did see couple bucks going at it pretty good . We ar good month away from the rut here in ND
Not liking the forecast for the opener here in LincolnLand. 81 degrees for a high?! after a high in the 60's today. I'll still go sit a stand, but it will be one of the least intrusive that I have since I don't have much expectation of movement Monday night.
And ur still not seeing any rut action. the rut is not for 40 days yet anywhere north of the Nebraska/ Sd line.
Need to get out and check cameras, but buck action has been very light in this part of Wisco. Lottts of corn still standing all over, providing plenty of cover and feed.
Our neighbors to the north have put in over 100 acres of ginseng, so I think once they’re done messing around, things will settle down and the boys should start moving a bit
While I agree it’s not the rut, Wired2Hunt has been running their Rut Radio since September 1, so I think calling something a rut report is just more convenient
Interesting camo Pat. It would seem that you have made a wise choice, the buck.....not so much. Congratulations
That's a nice buck. I've been filling tags the last few years with a rifle, but been a while since I've notched a tag with my bow. Hoping to change that this year. Been observing more bucks the last week or so in my area with the cooler weather. Just saw a really tall funky looking six this evening. Might get out this weekend but between duck and grouse hunting there is just too much to do in October
hiked a few miles looking for rubs and scrapes last night in Southern Wisc, cut some doe and fawn tracks, not a single rub or buck sign around the area. within the next week or so they should start popping up ide hope. almost time to setup some mock scrapes.
Road kill of bucks is insane right now. I saw at least 10 bucks in 15 miles near Wisconsin dells.
Maybe you should concentrate on driving and not posting?:p You have a lot of miles left to go.
central illinois basket rack/spike bucks are starting to get the itch. i haven't seen anything worth shooting making any kind of aggressive move yet ...just my observation. lets see what the weather does and if you got any free time use it up in the woods cuz the next 3 weeks are guna be fun. !!
Caribou Gear

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