Caribou Gear



New member
Aug 31, 2011
Victoria, MN
Ok, it may be sacrilage to talk about another show here, but what do you all think of "MeatEater" with Steven Rinella? Tried doing a search but nothing came up so I hope I'm not duplicating a thread.

Anyway, it seems to be way more of a DIY-ish type show than most of the other garbage out there. Nothing quite like OYOA mind you, but at least it's about a guy camping, hiking for miles, processing his own meat and actually eating the damn thing. It's not about hanging out in a box blind over a sendero waiting for the automatic feeder to come on.

Your thoughts?

I like it I think if him and fin would do an episode together it would make a good show
I like it also. I have seen the first 4 and it is pretty good. I like that he shows what goes on after the kill regarding some of the processing and cooking.
I enjoy watching it as well. I've also picked up a few ideas for cooking in the field. On the other hand that show "Dropped- Alaka whatever the hell it is" stinks! What a couple of whimps. How difficult is it to live in Alaska for 28 days in September with 3 planes full of gear??
Good show, good guy and a great author.

You're spot on bmack! 'The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine' and 'American Buffalo' are both in my collection...

Oh, also a great show although I preferred the one hour format from last year.
I like it I think if him and fin would do an episode together it would make a good show

Steve and I have had phone and email discussions about such possibility. He and I visited down at SHOT show this month. It is just so hard to match up schedules, sponsor products, and a ton of other production related things.

He is a great guy. What you see is what you get. He aplogizes to no one for being a meat-eating carnivore and is very committed to the conservation ideas that have made hunters well respected. He does it in a tasteful way, leaving the theatrics and chest thumping to the other guys. A big part of why my "old school" biases are attracted to his show.

I hope the industry supports his show. It is more of what we need for hunting and for outdoor TV. He is helping push outdoor TV a different direction than where is seems to be currently headed.

I am a big fan of him and what he is doing.
Boy, Fin, that would definitely be something I'd like to watch. You nailed it: we need more shows like yours and his. Tiffany is nice, but I can get eye candy on the other 998 channels on t.v. And if I want to shoot caged animals in a shooting zoo, well, I'll just go on a shooting rampage at the local zoo! (not really in case any reactionary sheeple are reading this).

I can tell you this: as a hunter married to a non-hunter and non-gun person, she could care less for the guys talking about rack size and merely referring to an animal as a score. Does nothing for her and does nothing to convey the beauty of nature and the EXPERIENCE of hunting, even if you come home empty handed.

However, she DID catch your "2-yard elk" episode and absolutely took notice of your line, "...meat first, then cape, then antlers..." And also your commentary about how hot it was and it was your duty to honor this fine animal you killed to "...get every last bit of meat..." packed out of there.

Maybe most hunting shows are not geared to non-hunters. But it's shows like yours and Steve's that DO catch the attention of hunters and show that it's not just sitting in a comfy air conditioned blind (or truck) and slaughtering animals as they eat over a bait pile.

Keep it up.

The Scavenger's Guide to Haute Cuisine and American Buffalo are great books... OYOA and Meateater are the only shows on the Sportmans Channel that I try to watch on a weekly basis. An episode with Randy and Steve, together on either show, would be cool.
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