MeatEater 206

I haven't had the chance to listen for a few months, but I would like to listen to a podcast with Janis and Cal. Steve loves being the center of attention, sometimes that wears a little thin on me.

I really have to chime in on Steve. I don't know him, but over that last couple months have watched his meat-eater series and got his book from the library, and honestly, he's sorta inspired me to get back into hunting. Little things, like his sage grouse hunting video where he shoots a jackrabbit, I used to hunt in same area and did the same thing once when young. And his driftless area (Wisconsin) where I used to live, connected. Funny how sometimes in a busy life, things you love to do, like hunting, sorta drift away. So thanks Steve for that. Happy to be getting back to hunting and shooting.

Than ran across Randy's videos, and here we are!!!
I really have to chime in on Steve. I don't know him, but over that last couple months have watched his meat-eater series and got his book from the library, and honestly, he's sorta inspired me to get back into hunting. Little things, like his sage grouse hunting video where he shoots a jackrabbit, I used to hunt in same area and did the same thing once when young. And his driftless area (Wisconsin) where I used to live, connected. Funny how sometimes in a busy life, things you love to do, like hunting, sorta drift away. So thanks Steve for that. Happy to be getting back to hunting and shooting.

Than ran across Randy's videos, and here we are!!!
I totally see where you're coming from, and I still like to listen to him and the guys. Just a critique that sometimes the focus of the podcast can become very centralized on Steve, to the point he interrupts others.
I really have to chime in on Steve. I don't know him, but over that last couple months have watched his meat-eater series and got his book from the library, and honestly, he's sorta inspired me to get back into hunting. Little things, like his sage grouse hunting video where he shoots a jackrabbit, I used to hunt in same area and did the same thing once when young. And his driftless area (Wisconsin) where I used to live, connected. Funny how sometimes in a busy life, things you love to do, like hunting, sorta drift away. So thanks Steve for that. Happy to be getting back to hunting and shooting.

Than ran across Randy's videos, and here we are!!!

Steve's market is really the new and inexperienced hunters. There's nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia getting you back in the field though! Chuck up some stories of your recent hunts, would be keen to read them.
Steve's market is really the new and inexperienced hunters. There's nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia getting you back in the field though! Chuck up some stories of your recent hunts, would be keen to read them.

Actually I believe its males 25-35, with some college to 4 year college degree, with a house hold income of 65k - 140k. Above average ratings (outdoor TV) with women, below average with boomer males.


I think Steve is a master story teller, he struggles occasionally with the podcast because he can't control the narrative. The appeal of the show universally is that unlike most outdoor TV it's story driven. Even the episodes where they don't get anything have an exceptional narrative. Part of the failing of some of the newer episodes is that the narrative is lacking.
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I think Steve is a master story teller, he struggles occasionally with the podcast because he can't control the narrative. The appeal of the show universally is that unlike most outdoor TV it's story driven. Even the episodes where they don't get anything have an exceptional narrative. Part of the failing of some of the newer episodes is that the narrative is lacking.
Yep. I still play the new meat eater podcast every week. If for nothing else but background noise. I’m that a**hole in the office who doesn’t use headphones so everyone has to listen to it. I’ve found if it’s playing no one comes and asks for my TPS reports. I did have a co-worker (doesn’t hunt, in fact none do) tell me one day “that steve guy sounds like a douche :p.

I have faith it will get better. I’ve tried all the hunting podcasts and well....haven’t found one that’s perfect yet.
I think he does a tremendous job of bringing fascinating guests onto the show, he just needs to let them talk.
I agree, but I feel like he knows what he wants the guest to say, and does a good job of getting that info out of them. I like that about the show because it doesn't leave any lingering questions, even though the guest may not get to tell their story in the way they wish to say it.

Quick question, do y'all think anyone from the Meateater crew reads this forum to keep an eye on what the fan base is thinking?
I agree, but I feel like he knows what he wants the guest to say, and does a good job of getting that info out of them. I like that about the show because it doesn't leave any lingering questions, even though the guest may not get to tell their story in the way they wish to say it.

Quick question, do y'all think anyone from the Meateater crew reads this forum to keep an eye on what the fan base is thinking?

I agree, but I feel like he knows what he wants the guest to say, and does a good job of getting that info out of them. I like that about the show because it doesn't leave any lingering questions, even though the guest may not get to tell their story in the way they wish to say it.


I think Steve does an excellent job of taking the discussion where he wants it to go and keeping it on point, regardless of his interjections. When he has an author on, he's already read the book and taken notes for reference. There are lots of podcasts out there that tend to be just wandering discussions, which are fine, but I tend to lose interest in those quickly if I have to stop and pick it up again later.
Jeez, ya think ol' Steve is just trying to rile up folks about "true outdoorsmen" by dissin' skiing? Good writers want to be cussed and discussed. He's succeeding. Kinda like his call to open Yellowstone Park to hunting. Listen carefully and you can hear his tongue in his cheek. Of course he's dead wrong about skiing. Makes him sound like a flatlander. One of the best hunters Montana ever produced was Paul Schafer, who died skiing on the Big Mountain.

Good point Ben, subtle humor usually flies waaaaay over the average bear's head...
Steve does come across as a jerk but he also keeps the conversation going in a way I dont think Cal and Janice can. Sort of a necessary evil.

BTW I watched Hot Dog the Movie on YouTube. It was...interesting. One thing it did expose (heh) me to was that there was once such a thing as ballet skiing.
Hoping to run into her at Rende this year, seems like she's had an interesting life the last few years based on IG.

Little did she know I was @Ben Lamb 's commie apprentice.

The anti-trapping dudes were at the bottom of the M the other day, so you guys should probably avoid that trail. Lots of yuppies and people that drive Subarus.

Sidenote: If you can't learn to live in a world where people have conflicting viewpoints, I hear Alaska has some pretty great off-the-grid kind of areas.
Gut farts: absolutely real I am the king of them. I get them so bad I have had many deer dressed out for me just so I wouldnt clean out camp later that night. True story.

Farmers almanac: thumbed thru them but never really ingested what i was reading.

Rutting bucks taste: i have had two over the years that it was overpowering and tough to eat without a lot of seasoning. I have had some that were the most smelly thing ever but tasted perfectly fine. Just never know.

The meaning of a true outdoorsman has changed over the years I would say. But to me a true outdoorsman would be described as a mountain man from the past. Those were outdoorsmanliest men of all time. If I could choose when to be born it would of been in that era and I would of been one and loved every second of it!