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Meat vs Critters

Pack it out. A deer is one trip, take care of it and go back and have more fun if you have too. That meat is your number one responsibility after you shoot it. No amount of "hunting" or camping left on your vacation should preclude the waste of that meat.

Putting it in water is probably the dumbest thing you could have done, short of not packing it out after you had animal problems.

Gr8bwana, meat spoils in water, period. Using it as a method to cool it quickly seems to work for folks, ive never done it, and would only do so if it was in a bag. You can macerate in water as long as it doesn't freeze. It's slower, but will still work. He also had it hanging for a couple days, so the breakdown of tissue had already begun and bacteria had started to multiply. Adding moisture increases the speed dramatically.

Keeping meat dry is paramount to salvage.

Your opinion,I have back country hunted my whole life with no problems keeping meat., I will purchase dry bags and take in some screen to make a cage next year.I had read of an Alaskan guide who submerged moose meat in the creek to keep it,I thought it must work .Thought I could get some been there done that advice here,sorry I asked
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In that situation, leaving the horns, if any, behind or turning in to game department would have be appropriate. Certainly no trophy was earned. Also appropriate to tell game department what happened and let them fine the responsible person or not.

You guys dumped meat into a creek and left it to rot for 3 days without even checking on it based on what you wrote. Clearly meat preservation was low on priority list or a close watch would have been kept on the meat.

Instead of leaving camp each day, the killer could have stayed behind to fend off critters. That was a choice made along with choosing to not pack it out to cold storage right away.

.This meat was washed, cooled,trimmed dried and bagged,we would remove it from the creek every time we returned to camp,dried it, changed game bags was not thrown in the creek to rot
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Admin please delete this post and I am done with this site..Thanks for many wonderful years of good friends and conversation.
JMHO from an old timer. Keep your meat high and dry (if temps permit) as in HIGH meat pole and not tied to a tree. Critters can climb.
Worst thing we saw on our elk hunt were bags of meat hanging for two days in rain without any cover over it. We asked the hunters about it, we appeared to be the dumb old pharts in the mountains.
Much2 - was just kiddin man come on back.
Figured with your experience and expertise in back country, that would have never
Been an issue.

My apologies. Do NOT piss on a rag and hang it above
Your meat. Do not clean it in the river either.
Much2 - was just kiddin man come on back.
Figured with your experience and expertise in back country, that would have never
Been an issue.

My apologies. Do NOT piss on a rag and hang it above
Your meat. Do not clean it in the river either.

I know your just messin with me. You have been a great friend over the years, In all my years in the back country I have never lost any meat,These martins caught me off guard,they can climb up or down any rope,jump 5 or 6 feet I was nor prepared for them this time,but never again. Losing my winter venison steaks and turning it to jerky bothered me more than you can know. A guy used to be able to ask a question on this site and get a reasonable polite answer,but any more 90 % of what you get is a bunch of jaw jackers offering derogatory opinions,I realize they offer these opinions because that is all they have to offer,They don't have enough real time back country hunting experience to fill a piss cup,I am not dealing with it anymore.
Don't let the Hunt Talk Turds get you down. There is nothing wrong with asking a question, so that you can learn and do things differently in the future. Unfortunately, opinions are like butt holes, everyone has one. Take a look at the number of posts some of these people have. Draw your own conclusions from that.
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