Meat eaters


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
The lions were on 'break' but if you look close you can see part of one. There was 3 lioness' in the grass but they were full and didn't really care to put on a show.

The cheetah's were another highlight. There was 2 young hyena's living in a culvert under the road.





Sweet that you saw some cats/hyenas. We actually went out one night with a bottle of whiskey and a spotlight looking for some cerval cats. No luck.

Were these in Kruger?
IDHunters, based on his other post, Bambi was in Kruger
I have gone out at night with a spotlight too for Serval, Caracal and Genet but had a rifle instead of a bottle of whiskey! (No, I wasn't in Kruger but in SA) Still don't have my Genet or Civet cats yet.
I couldn't believe how "naturally" animals behaved---as tho Photo Safaris were not even there! Saw a Cheetah take a Tommy in Ngorongoro, had a pride of lions with two fantastic males lounging 10 yds from vehicle, saw both lions and cheetahs lose to prey in Tarangire and a breeding pair of lions. Unreal! Everyone should add a photo safari if time and money are available!
Sorry, no pics, didn't have digital camera and never had a disk made. Pics are in album on my coffee table if you want to see them!:)