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Meanwhile, Out At The Ranch....

and if the answer is yes

The children when ask who is the lady who bought you to school ? " that is our new nanny. Our father married our old nanny and our mother tried to kill them so she is in jail"
Of course they do....coz he's most likely loaded.
You can’t make this stuff up! Anyone catch what her defense will be? Basically it’s the old “yeah she got mad and tried to have her husband killed but who wouldn’t” defense. Always someone else’s fault it seems. I’ve never understood adultery or trying to pay to have someone killed. Neither seem to work out well from what I can tell.
Of course they do....coz he's most likely loaded.

In that case, I would have filed for a divorce, asking for the lions share of everything and then I would be able to afford to buy that Drilling that April and Ben like ;)

The wife was not playing with a full deck, but I bet the nanny knew exactly what she was doing. There is a "Drilling" in her future.

edit: ( after rereading that last sentence I could only guess at the replies some here would like to post o_O--should I delete it Ken ? )
Whatever they are, they seem to end up costing you half your savings and the respect and love of your children for decades to come ;)

reply deleted, I have already said too much on this thread ;)
A rancher marrying an animal rights attorney is asking for friction. It sounds like she put on classes for people to develop closer bonds with their animals. He was probably going bankrupt and all his cows had names and legal representation.., maybe professional counseling.
You can’t make this stuff up! Anyone catch what her defense will be? Basically it’s the old “yeah she got mad and tried to have her husband killed but who wouldn’t” defense. Always someone else’s fault it seems. I’ve never understood adultery or trying to pay to have someone killed. Neither seem to work out well from what I can tell.
Words getcha cancelled...literally and figuratively.
A rancher marrying an animal rights attorney is asking for friction. It sounds like she put on classes for people to develop closer bonds with their animals. He was probably going bankrupt and all his cows had names and legal representation.., maybe professional counseling.
So if you're down on your luck
And you can't harmonize
Find a girl with far away eyes
And if you're downright disgusted
And life ain't worth a dime
Get a girl with far away eyes

-Mick Jagger
PEAX Trekking Poles

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