May is getting closer....

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
Let's see - I still need to get to Customs and fill out the form 4457 with the info/serial numbers of my rifle, scope, camera, binoculars, etc. Also to get to the doctor for Hepatitus and tetanus shots, sleeping pills for the flights and some other "just in case" pills.

I need to get some permethrin (insect spray) to treat my clothes, some good insect repellent lotion (not spray or oil) and a couple of flea and tick collars to wear around the bottom of my pants legs or the tops of my socks.

I need to order some large denomination travelers' checks and maybe send some more cash to pre-pay for additional trophy fees....I'll be like Moosie on our first trip to Texas and shoot a boatload of critters!

Jim Hackiewicz's book, "Africa - The First Time," is a treasure trove of info and hints.
Good luck Cali !
looking forward to the pics.
Did JJ recomend you get the flea collars? I could see them maybe for hunting farther north but RSA? I've never heard of any problems with ticks there.

I'm pretty sure he hunts in the Limpopo Province close to the border of Botswana. There might be a few mozzy's but we didn't see a tick, and I don't think they are very prevelent there either??? We didn't get any shots either...

I think the only time you really need to watch the 4477 forms for cameras and such is if you come back from Asia where all that stuff is made. Definately need them for the rifles, but IMO the rest is not worth the hassel especially for stuff that has a "Made in the USA" stamped on it.

In all honesty, for my trip I prepared for it about how I would prepare for an antelope trip in Eastern MT... Pack light and down sweat the small stuff.
JJ has said that ticks can be a problem and he even suggests taking the antibiotic Doxycillyn for tick fever with you. The flea collar trick works in heavy tick country, and I detest ticks!

He also said to list everything that is worth much and that has a serial number. Remember that he flies there several times a year, so perhaps he has better odds of having a problem than us occasional travelers. Plus, he is the profesisonal trying to keep us from having any problems.

I am only going to take 3-4 shirts, 2-3 pairs of pants, lounge-around-camp shoes, 4-5 pairs of socks, boots, toiletries, a towel, a jacket, a hat, some shorts to sleep in, compact binoculars and medications. A book or two as well.

Since they have daily laundry service and such services, I will take less than I would for a week's trip somewhere else hunting.
I am only going to take 3-4 shirts, 2-3 pairs of pants, lounge-around-camp shoes, 4-5 pairs of socks, boots, toiletries,

I will take less than I would for a week's trip somewhere else hunting.
You generally take more than the above amount of clothes for a week's hunt?

Good luck and have a great time!!
Good thread, The Flea collars are interesting. Since I usually only hunt in shorts They would not do me much good. Walking in the long grass is tick heaven but it also depends upon the year. Some warm wet late fall seasons ( May) are very bad with ticks, cooler dryer falls( may) can be tick free. Way too early to tell just now.

Your correct about putting the valuables on the 4457, you never know what these folks will decide to hang up on. Way easier to have it on the list then to need it on the list and not have it. Remember that you pay the tax when they tell you to or you leave it behind. It's no problem to have the gear listed up front. This also makes the 4457 good forever more to Canada or anyplace else you travel outside the USA.

We will be hunting near Botswana in the Northern Province, thick bush and lots of game. Hope for dry weather and the hunting will be spectacular! Bring a warm jacket, hat and gloves for the drive in the back of the truck after dark. Also a flashlight, or headlamp as well is nice. Streamlight makes the best affordable lights I've ever used.
1-pointer: I usually bring my Pentax 10x42 binoculars, rangefinder, game bags, game saw (if elk hunting), several knives, sharpening tools, kitchen gear, food, large daypack containing survival gear, several flashlights, head lamp, an extra pair of boots, at least a couple of jackets - one of which at least will be raingear - and so on, depending on the weather forecast and where I am hunting. One December in Montana, for example, it was 18 below zero. Another November in New Mexico, it was almost 80 degrees. Yet another trip to New Mexico, it rained for a solid week. I was glad to have enough clothes so that I could change into dry ones whenever I needed to. I take everything I will need to be comfortable.

Going to Africa, where the PH is going to be looking through the binoculars and expecting me to be "on target" so that when he says "Shoot the second one from the left," I am ready, is a different ball game. The ranges generally won't exceed 150 yards, so a rangefinder isn't needed. If my clothes get wet, they will be washed and dried for me. I don't have to cook. It's different, for sure, but that is the way hunts are conducted there.
some other "just in case" pills.

HEHEHE... Taking the Blue pills ;)

Cali, do me a favor. Do what I did on the AK hunts and the Hawaii trip. Put like a Daily log together so we know what you experienced. Take pictures of things you normally wouldn't . Like the Inside of the truck or the Airport security or the shopping area or everyone around camp. I'd love to see the kill pictures to but a short story with pictures and such would be awesome too !!!!

I'm envious, I'm looking foward to the trip for you !!!!! Totally cool !!
Good luck on having a great trip! May you drop everything you shoot and get it before the lions and hyenas and stuff like that. Are there lions around there? I've read about them coming into camps, has that happened there? A hyena is as big as a wolf, maybe bigger and they work in packs too.

I think the daily diary is a great idea too. apmaurosr wrote a book that way, Take me on Safari, and its good.
I hope you have already started your hepatitis shots because it is a series of 3 IIRC and it takes a little while for you to build up immunity.

One piece of advice. Take extra money for unexpected trophies and hunt like it is the last week of your life. You may never get back to Africa again and when you return to California you will always wonder why you did not shoot a 2nd warthog. Or maybe even another huge kudu.
Cali will take Extra money... he's made of it, no worries !!!

Cali, I was thinking about you all weekend. You'll have a Good time , you know it right ?!?! I sure as heck can't wait for your stories !!
Well, I'm not made of money but I sure want to make the most of this trip. Mikey is barely talking to me since I'm not taking him. I told him I'd take him when he is older, like 12 or 13 (or when he can shoot a big enough gun, so he can shoot while I watch.) I've already paid for the hunt in full plus a little extra, and will take more with me. I know I want a gemsbok and that is extra, or I have to pass on one critter and pay the difference in trophy fee amount. I have been saving and paying for the trip all year, and it took me several years to get the miles on my credit card to get first class seats. ( i use the card for all my reimbursable business expenses.)

I'm down 16 pounds and have a ways to go yet...
Guys always say things like "I'm happy for ya" and don't really mean it... I do. Africa is something thats always intrested me. I love it when you guys go andcome back and share. 16 pounds to hunt Africa is a bit extreeme though. For a sheep hunt maybe... but Africa ?!!? ;)

You guys will hae a ball.

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