Marriage Advice story

my first valentines morning with my girlfriend now wife I told her she had a unibrow even though she didn’t I laughed she was pissed for a couple hours. Most the time I tell in May when tags come out and what hunts I plan on attending. She forgets and I don’t tell remind her till about 3 days before I leave for a week or two. Less grief in my opinion.
I bought my wife a new rifle for Christmas once.
JLS how did you...oops she like it?:cool::cool:

It really was for her. She didn’t have a nice rifle at the time, and she really did like it (Tikka 593). She still has it and has shot a lot of stuff with it.

She did tell me not to do that again though 😬
I got another one. Since I lived on the east coast there is still a lot of good deer hunting going on well into December. My wife's birthday is November 22 and while living in Virginia I was always in the woods on her birthday and even sometimes I drag her to the woods with me. Going on 9 years of marriage this year and I have yet to take her out for dinner or anything else on her actual birthday.
OK, I have nearly 48 yrs. of marital bliss and really stupid things that I have committed during these times. BTW, I still think she is as beautiful as the day I met her and still gets me going. Having said this, I have been telling her that her Mother’s Day present will probably be a new 28 gauge O/U. Her response is that my Father’s Day present will most likely be a very expensive diamond ring. Winner, winner, chicken dinner! Gotta tell you all that she has been the greatest adventure of my life. Best thing that ever happened to this old hunter. MTG
My wife was raving about how she liked Sears Kenmore appliances, so I surprised her with a new Kenmore canister vacuum cleaner for her birthday ... only to be responded to with a not-so-pleasant surprise reaction. We still have the vacuum, but I was forced to become the primary operator.

Finally, I figgered it out and the next year midway through our float trip down the Wild & Scenic stretch of the Missouri, as she was sitting in the tent at Judith Landing after three days of wind, heat, and warm water beverages, trying to endure her birthday on a roughing-it canoe trip ... I cautiously peeked into the tent wearing a white tee shirt and a clip-on bowtie. I escorted her to the grassy bank of the Missouri, where the caterer out of Lewistown had set up a table with white linens, nice crystal dinnerware, cold water, wine, and beer. We enjoyed a delicious salmon dinner with our accompanying couples, followed by a saturated rum cake, and more cold beverages. When the rainstorm hit, the caterer put us all in one large SUV to continue the birthday party, then left all the cold beverages for us to finish. To this day many years later, I still try to "milk" the husband-of-the-year award received on that great trip!
I had been looking for a boat for about 9 months when I finally found what I wanted. I was the 7th caller, but no one had committed to looking at it so I did for 7:30 am the next morning......then I realized the next morning was Mother's Day. I still joke about buying her something really big and really sparkly for Mother's Day. She does laugh about
i received a uncompagrhe puffy for Christmas last year, my wife liked it a lot light and warm. Well for Valentine’s Day I bought her the auroura puffy. Needless to say she liked it but said it was the most unromantic gift ever, but she wears it almost every day during the winter months, but I will never buy her a coat for Valentine’s Day again.
Nothing wrong with being practical HAHA. When ever I try and but my wife something romantic her response " I know what you have on your mind"
These are some scary stories, supporting the evidence of high rates of marriage separation among young hunters. Those who have survived such in light of these behaviors should be commended.

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