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Made The Big Show

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
Well I almost made the Big Show. If it were Randy's show then I would know I had arrived and could die a happy man. In the mean time this is what's happening this week on Furtakes. Big Al Morris and yours truly lighting up a mess of coyotes. Here is a little sneak preview.
I always like to check out your fishing photo threads.
So I just watched this. Reaffirmed why this 40+ year hunter doesn't watch this stuff on the tube.
Broadcasted boo-yeah-baby celebrations over a dead coyote ain't a real great endorsement for hunting, to me. Maybe this isn't meant to be hunting......
Just one non-conformist's opinion.
Onpoint, before you judge you might want to watch the whole show and note my behavior throughout the entire show... You might just discover we aren't as different as you think.
I'll bet we have quite a bit in common. But I'll pass on the whole show and just keep checking out your fishing photos.
Thanks for posting BigSky, I always enjoy your contributions. Much better to come across as someone passionate and excited about hunting than as a know-it-all arrogant prick.
Great shots in the trailer.... need to check out the episode...
I saw the episode a few days ago. I had the hunting/fishing shows on in the back ground with the sound off as I did work on my computer. Suddenly I see Big Sky on a coyote hunting show. I didn't watch every minute and I didn't have the sound on, but I thought the show was AOK. It shows at the least that we have lots of opportunity to hunt AND fish in Montana. Always enjoy Big Sky's threads and pictures and videos. Keep 'em coming.
I'm not a fan of Outdoor Channel though never pass up watching a good elk hunt or in this case, your yote hunt. A couple guys at work always turn on the channel as FOX and HLN get politically redundant and any show after that is a good breather.

Great show, Big Sky!

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