Lumber & Paint prices - Out of Control?


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2014
Has anyone attempted to purchase lumber lately? Wow. The prices are astronomical compared to a few years ago. Feels like I’m buying silver bullion instead of basic, wet, green softwood.

Also, the price of house paint is through the roof. And we don’t have inflation around here???

I’m undoubtedly missing something...
Has anyone attempted to purchase lumber lately? Wow. The prices are astronomical compared to a few years ago. Feels like I’m buying silver bullion instead of basic, wet, green softwood.

Also, the price of house paint is through the roof. And we don’t have inflation around here???

I’m undoubtedly missing something...
I feel like its everything right now...

Anything to do with home building/renovation/appliances
Bikes/skis/anything outside
Anything related to working out.
Anything related to cooking, including food, all the stores around us are 50/50 on having 2% milk on any given day
Shortage on stuff that comes in aluminum cans

Honestly I think it would be a much shorter list of things that there are too many of right now.

Colorado elk tags are the only thing that comes to mind.
Has anyone attempted to purchase lumber lately? Wow. The prices are astronomical compared to a few years ago. Feels like I’m buying silver bullion instead of basic, wet, green softwood.

Also, the price of house paint is through the roof. And we don’t have inflation around here???

I’m undoubtedly missing something...
Yep. Most of the contractors here can’t accurately quote jobs because materials aren’t available and what is available they are seeing price increases about every 2 weeks.

went to the store yesterday to get a little trim paint and a few supplies, normally $50 purchase, cost me $80. Insane. Hopefully manufacturing can catch back up with demand at some point this year. May be next year.
HUMM let's see.
Maybe if we stop more timber sales and close the border to Canada...
I don't know how your surprised.
You do know about the Keyston, right? I wonder what that will do?
Time to get involved and do something rather than wine and cry.
Sorry, it just stiped out.
My question is, specifically to lumber, will the prices retreat at all once the supply chain gets sorted out?

I have a major home renovation in mind but if I can wait a year or two and get a better price on materials I will.
My question is, specifically to lumber, will the prices retreat at all once the supply chain gets sorted out?

I have a major home renovation in mind but if I can wait a year or two and get a better price on materials I will.
I think this is a huge bubble that can't sustain itself. I would wait. Time will tell.
My question is, specifically to lumber, will the prices retreat at all once the supply chain gets sorted out?

I have a major home renovation in mind but if I can wait a year or two and get a better price on materials I will.
I would think it will come down some once things get back to normal. It may not happen until money gets more expensive to borrow and the housing market slows down.
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