NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Lost And Found

They are wanting to put them on the endangered species list.
States cut a deal with the feds to meet some ecological/environmental boundaries in order to stay the listing. As known, once an animal a listed the federal protections can greatly affect how we use the land.
Unfortunately, the states have not held to their obligations very well and we may well see these listed in the future. Only about 3% of all animals on the ESA come off of it after listing due to poor recovery or liberal judges. Of the 3%, most come off due to extinction.
Sad deal.
We used to see these awesome birds almost daily when recreating in WY 20 years ago. Now that we live here and are out in the "wild" very frequently, we see about 20 birds or less a year.
It seems that the sage grouse here in MT is hanging on.
The session was shortened and a 2 bird limit.
There great fun to hunt, but not very good table fare.

PS the prairie dogs seem to be on a UP swing. The drought-hit some towns hard but others are fine.
I'm seeing them in places where there never were any and I have hunted for 50 years.
Some of our WAY "out-of-the-way" towns we hunt have several hundred thousand dogs.
There would be more if the moonscape in the background looked more like the cover in the foreground.

I like seeing them and I like flying them with falcons. Just in the last 5 years, tho, I have seen the sage surrounding 2 leks chained and/or cut. Habitat gets a little worse every year.