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Looking for OTC archery elk hunt opportunity for 2022

Sure wish you’d have posted this up before the end of the Colorado draw. Put in for my old OTC that’s now draw.
I’ll be 61 come September and usually hunt alone, but wouldn’t mind company.
Like a 76 year old told me a couple years ago, us old farts have to stick together.
Are you still looking for a hunting partner and are you talking about the archery season?
Depending on how hard you hunt and where you hunt, elk hunting can be seriously strenuous. Some of the hunts I’ve done have pushed me past what I thought I could accomplish. As a result, elk hunting can bring out the worst in us as we are exhausted and sometimes a little edgy. It can put a serious dent in even the best friendships, no matter how gregarious or easy going you might be. You don’t want to share camp in a remote wilderness setting with someone you don’t know well, not that I’ve done it yet, but I’m guessing it could end badly. Just my .02. But I’ll put you on speed dial to come help me carry my meat off the mountain when I need a hand this year😂. Good luck
Well, you're correct, except that this becomes a chicken or egg first issue. You have to be with a hunting buddy to then see if it goes south or not. You'd just have to do your due diligence and talk a few times and hope for the best. As my parents used to say, you find the real person on 2 occasions: travel, and business.
And no worries buddy. Half of the hunt is the experience. That's my effort to find great hunting partners.
Well, you're correct, except that this becomes a chicken or egg first issue. You have to be with a hunting buddy to then see if it goes south or not. You'd just have to do your due diligence and talk a few times and hope for the best. As my parents used to say, you find the real person on 2 occasions: travel, and business.
And no worries buddy. Half of the hunt is the experience. That's my effort to find great hunting partners.
I would say you see the real person in times of fear and uncertainty. Other than that, I agree 110%..

I’m in a similar boat as you, and 5 of my hunting buddies have backed out of archery hunting this weekend- I’m ready to ask a HTer if they’d like to roll with me or let me roll also, but Bozeman hunters can be real snobs 😞 Would you rather hunt alone, or end up with some turd ruining your attitude on a hunt…? 😂 6 one way, half a dozen the other…..
I would say you see the real person in times of fear and uncertainty. Other than that, I agree 110%..

I’m in a similar boat as you, and 5 of my hunting buddies have backed out of archery hunting this weekend- I’m ready to ask a HTer if they’d like to roll with me or let me roll also, but Bozeman hunters can be real snobs 😞 Would you rather hunt alone, or end up with some turd ruining your attitude on a hunt…? 😂 6 one way, half a dozen the other…..
I’d rather be alone. Being out on a hunt with a total D bag is the stuff dreams are made of….bad dreams
I’d rather be alone. Being out on a hunt with a total D bag is the stuff dreams are made of….bad dreams
I think I’d rather be with the dbag.. I can adapt.. I’m too extroverted and it’s more fun to argue and disagree about everything from best hunting tactics to table manners to the best beer on earth.

But i feel really strange when I argue all of those things to myself….. 🤪
I think I’d rather be with the dbag.. I can adapt.. I’m too extroverted and it’s more fun to argue and disagree about everything from best hunting tactics to table manners to the best beer on earth.

But i feel really strange when I argue all of those things to myself….. 🤪
Wouldn't thst make you the DB if you argue about everything? 🤣