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Lone Survivor


New member
Dec 23, 2000
I read the book a few months back while on an extended leave from work. Of the 15 books I read, Lone Survivor was tied for the best.

Tonight I saw the Movie, with Marcus Walberg playing real life Navy Seal “Marcus Luttrell“. The only man to survive a mission in Afghanistan that went very bad

The movie is very good. Not as good as the book, but very good. The first ¾ of the movie follows the first half of the book pretty close. The last ¼ of the movie, they take some liberty to condense the last half of the book.
Some intense war action, good acting and directing.. Very realistic, if you like red mist, you’ll like this one. Lots of blood, but no more then it takes to tell a story about a battle between 4 Navy Seals and 150 Taliban (think target rich environment).
If you don’t know the (true) story, I suggest you read news accounts before you see the movie. Better yet, read the book, it’s very good.

I give the book 5 out of 5, and the movie 4 out of 5.
Disapointed they cast an anti gun, 5'5" Marky Mark to play a 6'5" Navy Seal. I just can't visualize him in that role. Think they could have done much better. Awesome book, I read it in 2 days.
Read the book(highly recommend it), but probably won't watch the movie until it hits Netflix. I can't get past Mark Wahlberg in the role either.

The other day I watched a documentary called "Murph the Protector." It's about Michael Murphey, Luttrell's Lieutenant that went into an open field to call for reinforcements on a sat phone. He was awarded the Medal of Honor, and the Navy named a ship after him. The film doesn't really go into the actual battle, but it tells the story of Murphey's childhood and career. Definitely worth the $4.99 to rent it on iTunes.
Watched the movie last night and it was the best I have seen in a while.
I have read the book and intend to see the movie. Book is very good. I hope the movie doesn't let me down.
Saw it Friday night with my son. Long line to get in. It is probably the best war pic I have seen, didn't have a problem with Whalberg. The round of applause after was moving to me, says some good people come from this neck of the woods.
I've read the book twice. Also read his second one, "Service". Can't wait to see the movie. I, too, have a problem with the Marky Mark thing. Not because he's not a good actor, because he is, but it's the previously-mentioned stature and anti-gun issues.

Great movie and honors those who served and died. Also makes you think about the bad situation the Afghan population faces.

Nice addition with cameo parts for the real Marcus Luttrell.

Get over the gun B.S.

Luttrell says that in order for him to pay proper tribute to his fallen brothers it was key that the movie be made correctly. He insists he felt his hand forced to make the film.

"Hollywood was calling, they were going to do it with me or without me," says Luttrell, 38. "I didn't have a choice. It had to be done. And it had to be done right. I was absolutely apprehensive."

He found a kindred spirit in screenwriter/director/producer Peter Berg. After meeting with a number of producers eager for the project rights, Luttrell told Berg in 2007, "It's yours, don't mess it up."

Of equal importance was making sure that the actors portraying his fellow SEALs — Taylor Kitsch (as Michael Murphy), Emile Hirsch (Danny Dietz) and Ben Foster (Matt 'Axe' Axelson) — were up to the task. Luttrell and a group of SEALs were on the New Mexico set to train the group to be a true fighting unit. The SEALs had full rights to interrupt any scene that did not ring true, and they did.

"We wanted to make sure it was as realistic as possible," says Wahlberg. "We checked all the Hollywood (crap) at the door and were completely at the mercy of the SEALs and Marcus."
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First movie I have seen in years. Haven't read the book yet, that will be done this week in a deer stand, but I have watched many interviews of Marcus on you tube and the movie seemed pretty realistic when comparing to that. Had to keep reminding myself that it wasn't just a movie, it was real life. Amazing what they went through.
I had intentions of reading the book before I saw the movie, but I just didn't get to. My wife wanted to watch it so we went Friday and I have to say that I was very moved by what they went through. My wife was in tears at the end when they were showing the families of the ones that have been lost. Very touching and I pray for the safe return of our servicemen and women every night.
I've had the start of a cold all day...seeing this movie exacerbated the symptoms. In light of a few threads germane to this conflict, I went to the movie alone..glad I went and glad I was alone.
I won't pay full price to see a movie in the theaters that Mark Walberg stars in. He is a big time anti gun freak and is outspoken about it. I find it hypocritical that damned near every movie he's in he uses guns, but doesn't feel that the general public needs them or should have them.
Never been in the military or battle but there is absolutely no way I'd have let those goat herders go with out their hands tied behind their backs at the least, more likely left them tied to trees. Flame away.

I had never heard of movie or book before I was tricked in to seeing, it is a stunner.
Geez really get over the Marky Mark anti gun thing. Thats not what this movie represents. It represents the life and death struggles that our servicemen went through and continue to go through. A tribute to those we as a nation have lost and can never get back.
Geez really get over the Marky Mark anti gun thing. Thats not what this movie represents. It represents the life and death struggles that our servicemen went through and continue to go through. A tribute to those we as a nation have lost and can never get back.

You don't have to tell me about those struggles. I've lived it and I am reminded of it everyday. I will stand strong about 'Marky Mark' and his hypocricy because that is my personal belief.
Geez really get over the Marky Mark anti gun thing. Thats not what this movie represents. It represents the life and death struggles that our servicemen went through and continue to go through. A tribute to those we as a nation have lost and can never get back.

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