PEAX Equipment

line size and best line to buy


New member
Oct 17, 2001
what size of line do you buy the most?

what is the best brand?

I fish mainly for bass and catfish in the east and would like to know about what others use
Since I am from AZ and our lakes are very clear.. I use 4-6lbs in clear trilen for smallies.
For large mouth I use 10-12lb clear floresant at night and in the day time.. I used to like p-line but sue to major memory problems I was having with it I quit using it...
I like mc coy line its great been on one of my reels now for 9 months(no memory)...
Nomally I change line every 5-8 weeks. If you can use spider wire(braided) use it.. I have used it for over a year and have buddies that havent changed it for 5 years....

Friends don't let friends use Stren. Berkley Trilene only for me. I use Big Game, Tournament Strength, XL and XT. I also use their Fireline for a few techniques.
westy.. Do you tie a leader to your fireline?
I did that for my daughter a while ago and it seemed to help her catch a few more fish. She was using that orange colored fireline.. On cranks she didnt do to well and on worms she would get about half the bites I got.. but when i added the leader she did alot better...

That's interesting Delw, I only use fireline for drop shotting and bass assassins. All other techniques I use some sort of Berkley mono.