Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Life's advice and phrases....

Maybe a close repeat.
" if not now,when?"
My motto to myself, my wife, and my friends. It's why I'm not rich but have 30 plus years of living the dream in Montana.
I did get responsible at 40 though!
“Life is work, embrace it, don’t try to avoid it.”
My old man. Has served me well in life.
The Army "7 P's"
Proper, Prior, Planning, Prevents, Piss, Poor, Performance.
Hear that from the General (dad) all the time.
“You’ll run out of health before you run out of money”

Words to live by as I get older and think about the things I’ve put off because work was crazy busy and OT was approved.... Those tasks will be there when you get back from your hunting trip!
why do today, what you can put off till tomorrow......... for what is today but yesterdays tomorrow .

herd this watching SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS with the kids years ago when they were growing up, still cant get it out of my head, ha ha ha

If Sunday is the Lord's day then Saturday belongs to the Devil. It is the only night of the week when he gives out free passes to the Late Show at the Too Much Fun Club.

Hunter S. Thompson
My mom can't never did anything, what part of no did you not understand
grandpa on matter how tall you are you will have to reach up and no matter how short you are you still have to bend over he was 5 foot tall
my dad you are peeing into the wind again when dong something dumb, are you blind its right there, that person so ugly you would have to tie a bone around their neck to get the dog to play with them or they could stop a pickle barrel from rolling down hill by just looking at it.
I have three of them written on my white board here in the Randy Room. I wrote them down a while back to serve as reminders. Two are mine.

First is a reminder to not let fear of failure keep me from doing what I want to do.

Fear Less, Live More

And this one reminds me not make excuses for my situation.

Fate is what you let happen; Destiny is what you make happen

This one was from my Uncle Elt. When I took him trapping in the last days of his brain cancer he was struggling and doing all he could just to hang on. As I drove us home after pulling the last traps, he was looking out the truck window, not saying much; I suspect reflecting how this disease had taken his health and that his days of hunting, fishing, and trapping were done. He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. He looked over at me with a gesture that our lifetime of crazy shenanigans told me was heartfelt and sincere, and said the following before turning his head to look back out the window.

Don't confuse breathing with living.......Elton Stickler, circa 2014.​
Seeing the emptiness in his once-sparkling eyes as he struggled to say those words, once he turned away, I looked out my window and tried my best to keep the tears hidden from him.

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