LH 1187 Turkey Shotgun project


New member
Aug 29, 2001
New Mexico
Well, been waiting for the FedX truck for a while and it showed up today.
The guy only had one box.. from Cheaper Than Dirt..
My new Remington M1187 Turkey Conversion Kit.
In this kit is a new camo synthetic stock, a set of ETA (Easy Target Acquisition) sights and a Remington Ventilator Turkey choke tube.

I already had a new 26 inch barrel to replace the original 30 incher with.

Here's what I started with plus the addition of a new Remington Limbsaver Recoil pad that's not in the picture:

Now, here's the final complete project (Left Handed 12ga Turkey Gun):

Pretty Cool!
Hey thanks Kraven, I'm pretty happy with the project. I still need to pattern it and see if it will hit where I'm trying to get it to hit and all that sort of stuff. It does look good though. The picture doesn't really do it justice.

This was my dad's turkey gun (he was left handed also) and I inherited it when he passed away two years ago. I wanted to use it but I didin't want to scratch it up either. I decided to give her a facelift and then the original stock could be put away.

How've you been Kraven? Been a while...
Hey Gila been doing good I got engaged and am getting married in late June. The NWTF and hunting are definately keeping me busy.But other than that just healin up from a couple shoulder surgeries here lately and waiting for Gobbler season too hurry up and get here. Taking the kids on the youth hunt the 5th and 6th of April to get a couple birds hopefully. We still have alot of snow in the hills so Im hoping the birds will cooperate with us. How have you been??
Well, I've been in Iraq for the past three years. I came back here about 7 weeks ago on medical leave for knee surgery. I'm pretty well healed up already and waiting for a release from the doctor to go back to work. I'm planning on getting back to work in the real world once I get released. I'm not planning on returning to Iraq at this moment. We'll see though. Did get the opportunity to hunt in Australia and England while I was working in the Middle East though, so all wasn't lost. Three years in a war zone is a long time though. It'll take me a while to adjust to working in the real world again.

Hey, I did get off my butt today and I got out and put a few shells through this little toy today though.
I shot some heavy field loads to get an idea where it was shooting first and then switched over to something a bit more serious.

These were fired using PMC Turkey Loads. 12 ga. 3" 2 oz. #6 shot.

This was fired at 15 yards:

This one was shot at 30 yards:

This was at 40 yards but I think I pulled it a little to the left. Still a dead gobbler though:

If you like these targets, they're compliments of Remington. Just click and print: http://www.remington.com/pdfs/turkeytarget.pdf
WOW you have been away for awhile.Glad ya made it home safe though. Looks like you patterned your gun today not too bad.We tried shooting the PMC loads a couple yra ago but couldnt get it too pattern it very good.Looks like your results are a bit better than ours were.I have been shooting the Remington 4X6 Duplex loads for the past few yrs but I am going to pattern my 835 with the Hevi 13 shells 3.5 inch 2.25oz in 6shot and will post results for ya if they are any good.
I have several other different loads here. I will likely try some others before the season starts. Our season doesn't start until April 15, so I still have some time. I think the patterns I shot yesterday do prove that the gun shows promise though.

I'll be waiting for your results.....
This particular choke is a Remington Ventilator turkey tube. I'm not real sure what the restriction is but I could take a set of calipers to check it if you like mdcrossbow.

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