PEAX Equipment

Lets see how u do on white-tail scoring

i think no higher than 80"
here is a pic of my 02 white tail mount



inside spread is 18" even
guess this score gross and net
i guess those pictures don't show up well either
he is 5x5 with three trash points that didn't show up in the small pictures so just try typical

[ 04-11-2004, 21:07: Message edited by: cmiddleton ]
Is TEX ever going to post the score of that buck or not. I'm curious to know what he thinks it scores.
Hard to see is an understatement! You can't even count the points............. to have any degree of accuracy the pictures need to be brightend up and in focus. Looks like a nice buck, a shooter for sure but beyond that it is impossible score.
i saw how they didn't show up well after i posted them but tom almost nailed it its 142 gross but only nets 132 wish i could get better pictures but mine are allways blurry.

[ 05-02-2004, 21:35: Message edited by: cmiddleton ]