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Legit ATV use?

Agreed, but because of many douchebags, my dad (fused back and fake hip) should not be able to access hunting areas according to many here?

Believe me, I'm not rah rah ATV, but for my Dad it is the reason he gets to continue to hunt, which is why I contest the draconian "ban them all" rhetoric.

Don't get all butt hurt because your dad needs to hunt with an ATV. Did I say that's who the problem was? NO. I would use one also if I wasn't on a college budget. If you read my original post, I CLEARLY stated that THEY CAN SERVE A PURPOSE (ie, your dad and if everyone followed the rules), but it is a slippery slope because that's just not realistic. There's always someone that messes it up for everyone else.

If there was a way to enforce proper use of them, I'd be all for it. But due to the lack there of, it encourages my "ban them all" attitude. In Idaho I think there is even a program for disabled hunters so that they can obtain the keys to locked USFS gates.
Isn't that kind of like saying they should ban hunting because of poachers?
i bought an arctic cat 450 last august, and now im kicking myself in the ass for not getting a quad years earlier. i dont do anything illegal on mine (except ride without a helmet.) my area of the mountains is riddled with logging roads, and i use my atv to access them without beating my truck up. i dont go on any roads where theyre banned, in fact the whole county there atvs are legal everywhere except the two state highways going through it. typically ill use my quad to get somewhere that would be a pain in the ass with my truck, then i get off and hike. i find it helps me get further with more gear than i could ever get on foot, without tearing shit up or doing anything against the law. i dont shoot at animals, or hunt period, from my quad. its just transportation like a truck is, only more fuel efficient and its a less expensive vehicle to put wear and tear on. the atvs arent the problem, its people who use them. just like you can be a responsible gun owner you can be a responsible atv owner. buy the damned thing, youll love it. and whether or not you use it in a respectable law abiding manner is all on you!
If you can't beat em, join em...

I've been thinking about getting one as well. It will open up so much country that's difficult/impossible to get to without a plane. The way I figure, if I use it similar to hunting off the highway/road I won't have any issues getting away from people.
If you can get it for a stupid low sum, why not. As far as the 3 questions you asked, our answers don't mean much as you'll answer them for yourself, though sort of 'knowing' you through this site I can guess how you'll answer them. Sure there are retards who abuse the priviledge, but IMO for some areas they can be a great aid! The sheep hunt I did last year with BOY was a prime example. We didn't violate any rules/restrictions and could have went everywhere we did go in a pickup. However, it would have cost a whole lot more $$ in gas and wear on the vehicles not to mention the added time getting from spot to spot.

I say get it, use it like it should be used and you'll be happy. ATVs are much cheaper to replace and easier to get unstuck than a full size vehicle. A bit a lumber and scrap carpet on the back rack makes for a sweet dog perch. Accessing many good chukar areas is much easier on an ATV than in your pickup...
Here in Montana there are VERY FEW areas one of the things can be legally ridden off-road. If it can't be taken anyplace that a vehicle cannot go, I don't see the point. Guess my bad attitude stems from seeing where all the "responsible" atv owners have gone on the damn things. I've got several prosecutions under my belt from info I've given. I used to be a let it be kind of guy. Not with atvs anymore. It's amazing how irresponsible responsible people can become when there's an elk on the ground. Equating a dislike for atvs to being to the left is pretty funny. mtmuley
Unless stupid low means free I'd look for one that already runs for $1000.
I've got several prosecutions under my belt from info I've given.mtmuley

Two game wardens in Colorodo looked at me like I had farted at their dinner party when I spoke to them about a couple of atv's busting into us on a hoof and foot only. They could not have cared less.
Dad and I have several and use them every year, they are a great tool for us here in Indiana. We use them for everything. . .hauling wood up, retrieving big bucks down in the bottoms where a truck cannot go, cleaning up log jams in the river, etc. I do agree though, some people cannot seem to follow the rules. Its not bad around where we hunt, but, I'm sure out west it is a circus. We hauled 2 out to CO elk hunting for years and never used them. . .kind of like a gun, Id rather have it and not need it... than need it and not have it!
Like muley said earlier, in MT, and I mean nw MT, barring a couple very small designated areas, there isn't anywhere to ride them that you could not easily take a pickup. All the roads in all the major drainages are gated except the main arteries, which are maintained quite well for a pickup. Everybody up here seems to own an ATV, I see them gassing up all the toys on Friday, getting ready to head out of town. The funny thing is, you never see them cruising the main roads sucking all the dust from the vehicles, and you never see them parked at a locked gate! Where could they be?

A few bad apples? BS.
Excellent dialogue!

I've had more than a few hunts ruined by illegal ATV'ers (Idaho and Utah). I've watched an elk calf get rifled during archery season and loaded whole, ungutted on an ATV (Idaho). Last year in Idaho unit 56 I watched a father and young son break down and pitch a "no motorized traffic" sign. I've confronted multiple law breakers and they sport the attitude that it's public land, as a tax payer, it's their right to use their machines to go wherever they please.

I'm going to buy it. It should only need a battery, olf, seat, and a carb cleanup. The LCD display is so sunburned, I can't read the hours or mileage, but it has to be low. The original tires don't have hardly any wear.

With the sunburned LCD display, would wet sanding it work with 600 grit?

My go to spots here in CO are wilderness area. The access roads turn to exciting crap when it rains or snows. Getting unstuck in axle deep gumbo is a less effective way to spend the day hunting elk. I'll use it on roads only.

If someone catches me using it illegally, Throw me in jail and take my rifle and bow.

Since Twinkies are out of business, what is the next best bulk packaged pastry that I can buy to look the part of an ATV user?

1 Pointer, funny that you mentioned BOY. I was on the phone the other night with a lucky guy from Southern Idaho with a goat tag in his pocket for the Crags. He asked if I knew Mark and Ryan. Can't say I know Mark personally, but I know guys that know him....wait I guess I really don't know you either.
Moon pies would be a good substitute. ;)

I don't own one but have used them before. They're a good tool to have at your disposal for roads that have the width restriction on vehicles or that are open but really rough.

I think what a lot of the ATV crowd fails to realize is that hunting doesn't start until you actually get off the atv. I'll never understand the entertainment value of just driving one around all weekend...
1 Pointer, funny that you mentioned BOY. I was on the phone the other night with a lucky guy from Southern Idaho with a goat tag in his pocket for the Crags. He asked if I knew Mark and Ryan. Can't say I know Mark personally, but I know guys that know him....wait I guess I really don't know you either.
That's funny. Seems to be a short list of Crags folks that people know about. Hope he finds his goat. As you know, way neat country.

If you'd ever like to get to know me I'm more than willing to accept your invitation to hunt elk or Muleys in CO! ;)
I have two and have used them extensively for hunting. The area in Idaho which I hunt is all Potlatch land, they build their gates specifically for four wheelers to ride around them. I get up in the morning and fire up the ATV, ride the 6 miles from camp and ride my ATV around the Potlatch gate, and yes I have my Potlatch sticker. I then park it around the first corner of the road, take the key and get off and hunt. The last archery bull I killed I had done exactly that and killed the bull 2 miles up the ridge from where I parked my bike. Drug the bull down the ridge to another gated Potlatch road, then walked down the road to get my bike, got my bike went to camp and got the atv trailer, then headed up and retrieved my bull whole. The last elk I killed last fall was a cow dead center in the middle of the Dana Ranch outside of Great Falls, no motorized allowed. Hiked back out to truck got my pack frame and went to packing.

I say all that to illustrate exactly what Lawnboy said, not all ATV users are law breakers, or lazy. I use mine to take advantage of the LEGAL situation when I can. I'm not going to convince anyone to like ATV's, but they have their purpose.
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I would use some plastic polish on a small area first. Maybe you will get lucky. If not, then the sandpaper, but more than likely 1000 grit. Don't forget a fuel filter if it has one.

Excellent dialogue!

I've had more than a few hunts ruined by illegal ATV'ers (Idaho and Utah). I've watched an elk calf get rifled during archery season and loaded whole, ungutted on an ATV (Idaho). Last year in Idaho unit 56 I watched a father and young son break down and pitch a "no motorized traffic" sign. I've confronted multiple law breakers and they sport the attitude that it's public land, as a tax payer, it's their right to use their machines to go wherever they please.

I'm going to buy it. It should only need a battery, olf, seat, and a carb cleanup. The LCD display is so sunburned, I can't read the hours or mileage, but it has to be low. The original tires don't have hardly any wear.

With the sunburned LCD display, would wet sanding it work with 600 grit? My go to spots here in CO are wilderness area. The access roads turn to exciting crap when it rains or snows. Getting unstuck in axle deep gumbo is a less effective way to spend the day hunting elk. I'll use it on roads only.

If someone catches me using it illegally, Throw me in jail and take my rifle and bow.

Since Twinkies are out of business, what is the next best bulk packaged pastry that I can buy to look the part of an ATV user?

1 Pointer, funny that you mentioned BOY. I was on the phone the other night with a lucky guy from Southern Idaho with a goat tag in his pocket for the Crags. He asked if I knew Mark and Ryan. Can't say I know Mark personally, but I know guys that know him....wait I guess I really don't know you either.
Maybe try a headlight polishing kit on the LCD cover. It bet that would do the trick, 600 grit seems rough for optical polishing. Don't sand it dry whatever you do. Little Debbie Swiss rolls!
I can understand the frustration with ATV's in non motorized areas. The day before the opener, I biked 9 miles in and hiked another 3 to retrieve a game cam I had out. Had just pulled the first when I heard the rev of motors. On trail nearby is motorized, so didn't think much of it. When I went back out, I noticed their traks all the way down the trails I just came up. Pissed didn't even come close to my anger. Sun was starting to set, and the elk were bugling, and now some jack hole has ATV'd into my hard to reach honey hole. Turned out to be a couple of joy riders on motorcycles. They were up and over two drainages and gone in a blink of an eye. Got me thinking though.

With permission from the local wardens, in an area that you can document repeated ATV abuse, Would a person be able to position a trail cam along a trail during the season to "catch" the violators.

With that said I've got a little enduro motorcycle that I commute to work with in the summer, and use to get me into the hills on occasion. Mostly use it on open logging roads to access new areas. Much easier traveling than beating around at 5 miles an hour in the truck.
Two game wardens in Colorodo looked at me like I had farted at their dinner party when I spoke to them about a couple of atv's busting into us on a hoof and foot only. They could not have cared less.

They don’t have the authority to write tickets for that, oh wait they do, oh wait they don’t, blah, blah, blah.

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