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Legislative issues week of 2/22


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2012
Whitehall, MT
We have a bunch of threads regarding different bills that are in the current legislature, but a lot of times we begin debating the bill and lose sight of the bigger picture. We absolutely need to make sure we are voicing our opinions on bills here, but also make sure we stay engaged in the process with the legislature.

I'm hoping to keep a running list of bills that are being heard this week. This isn't just for MT, but that's where I'm the most familiar so feel free to add any other bills that I miss.

Also, if i post anything that isn't correct please correct it for me. I want to be sure we are getting the most accurate information out there.

SB-143 appears to have been scheduled in the Senate Finance and Claims Committee. It was scheduled for hearing on 2/18 but was canceled and I don't see a reschedule date. Are they trying to work around the Fish and Game Committee or is it standard for a bill to move to the Finance and Claims committee after amendments?

HB-417 was scheduled for hearing in the house FWP committee last week and was canceled. It is believed that this one will end up back on schedule this week sometime.

HB-505 is still really early and I don't see a hearing scheduled yet.

SB-111 is the crossbow bill that has passed the Senate already. It is now at the House in the Health and Human Services Committee. It doesn't appear that a hearing is scheduled yet.

HB-242 has passed the house already and is waiting for hearing at the Senate Fish and Game Committee.

If i missed any please add them below. If anyone gets word of concerns, hearings, or any other info be sure to post it!

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