Left Over Deer Drawing


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2019
Cheyenne, Wyoming
Not sure why I did it. Call me greedy I guess. LOL. I mainly wanted to see if I might draw it. However, in studying the odds, I am figuring based on number of apps submitted for leftover draw compared to those who drew for the area I am in, I stand a very good chance of getting yet one more Type 8 doe license which will give me 3 does and one Type 1 (antlered muley or any whitetail). Definitely one way of filling the freezer and both wife and I love venison.
At least a couple hours a day, I am setting up at a water hole that only the landowner, me and people in our group know about. Plus pressure will be coming from the public land hunters in the walk in areas. Taking my blind and setting up. :):):)