NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Leavin Idaho for the great state of Wyoming!

Takes 12 months of living here to be a resident, so burn all your points. Residents dont have points for elk, deer, pronghorn

Our first fall here we went all doe, cow tags and had a blast
"Welcome, and feel free to use your brain when choosing what party or candidate to vote for. There are many options, good and bad, on either side, and our state is in dire need of people who can differentiate between the two."

This. The last thing we need is the lunatic fringe on either side dragging us further down that road. There are plenty of good people, and candidates, here right in the middle.
Welcome, and feel free to use your brain when choosing what party or candidate to vote for. There are many options, good and bad, on either side, and our state is in dire need of people who can differentiate between the two.
This exactly, I hear this rethoric all the time. There are politicians on both sides that have gotten voted in last year that I wouldn't give the time of day to. Frustrating watching the legislature come up with zero solutions this session for our state budget, meanwhile our schools fund is cut by $100 mil the last three years and our roads are in band-aid mode maintenance only...

Not to derail the thread, welcome to Wyoming, it's awesome here!
I just got an awesome opportunity to finally move to Cheyenne. Im excited to get in on some of the best hunting in the world. I love chasing speed goats, deer, and elk. Ive bought points for the last 2 years so I wont be starting from scrap. Hope to see some of you guys out there!
You come to my hometown I'll be nice and let you buy me a beer or two. You will not need them punts once you become a resident though. They go away. I've drawn a lot without benefit of preference points in areas people fight to get points.
Welcome to Cheyenne! Plenty of outdoor opportunities within a couple hours drive. Aim high for limited quota elk units - you can always fall back and get a General license OTC (once you qualify for residency of course...)
Welcome! That was the worst part about my moving here last July.... two fall seasons of applying as a nonresident while hunting within a half hour of my home.
Welcome! That was the worst part about my moving here last July.... two fall seasons of applying as a nonresident while hunting within a half hour of my home.
Im lucky enough that I will be moving there early May, so Ill only miss out on 1 draw season! Im use to driving 4-5 hours in Idaho, so this will be a breath of fresh air.
Welcome to Cheyenne! Plenty of outdoor opportunities within a couple hours drive. Aim high for limited quota elk units - you can always fall back and get a General license OTC (once you qualify for residency of course...)
Thank you for the information. Im already planning on a camping trip once I get settled in. Outdoors is what my family and I are about. Ill just be happy to not see 500 hunters road hunting an entire unit or fish and game slaughtering hundreds of elk from a helicopter in the middle of the night. It will be nice to finally live in a state that cares about thier wildlife program.
From what ive been reading, it shouldnt be too hard to burn my 2 points on a low access unit for pronghorn. Is it the same for deer? Just find a low access area and hike in?
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