Caribou Gear Tarp

least problems of any of my western hunts

old man

Active member
Aug 14, 2011
shelton CT.
But that doesn't mean there were none. but that is probably why i didn't post it last year. I have a bad knee that gives me big troubles at times. well this was one of those times. but first let me point out befor some of you put me down. yes this site is for people that DIY but most of you maybe all of you have some one to go with and help with scouting, glassing, and packing out. so you are not DIY. But i am on my own. so with no bull elk yet at the age of 77 i decided to go with an outfitter. Well just after i had sent him my first payment i slipped on a wet rock and twisted my bad knee. well that put me on crutches for a while and i was beginning to think i was not going to be able to go on this hunt. well it eventually got well enough to go but still couldn't walk that far or fast or down hill without pain. wife had some health issues als but told me to go anyway. well when i got there a day early and took a ride thru the area we were so-pose to be hunting and saw nothing i was getting worried. But the next day they assured me i would get my Elk.the first evening i called home to see how the wife was doing and got no answer. I tried calling many times without getting an answer. luckely i harvest my elk on the second day because i finally found out that my wife knew she was going to have to go to the hospital the day i left and knew i wouldn't go if she had told me. so as soon as i found out i had the Elk prepossessed and headed home. Unfortunately that hospital stay wasn't enough, she past away 9 months later. we were madly in love for 57 years. will show pics when i find out where they went sell phone pics only.
I'm sorry for your loss and medical problems with your knee. I'll turn 77 in Dec, so I do know how hard it can be. I'm one of those dummies who still hunts alone. It's not smart and not easy. Do whatever it takes to keep you hunting.

Again, i'm sorry for your loss. Life can be a struggle and it gets harder as we get older.
Talk about a bittersweet ending. I suppose they all are in some ways.

Cherish your elk, it's a helluva trophy
Sorry for your loss. I like that you can remember her as selfless to the very end - with her knowing how much you loved hunting
so sorry for your loss. a hunting buddy of mine recently lost his wife, after spending a lot of time with him lately I know what you have been going through. sounds like she was a sweet lady and good partner. thanks for sharing the story and happy you got your elk.
Sorry for your loss. Glad you were able to get your elk.
Dang, that's rough to hear. 57 years is a heck of a run, and sounds like you were lucky to have each other.

Congrats on the bull! That's a long time coming!
But that doesn't mean there were none. but that is probably why i didn't post it last year. I have a bad knee that gives me big troubles at times. well this was one of those times. but first let me point out befor some of you put me down. yes this site is for people that DIY but most of you maybe all of you have some one to go with and help with scouting, glassing, and packing out. so you are not DIY. But i am on my own. so with no bull elk yet at the age of 77 i decided to go with an outfitter. Well just after i had sent him my first payment i slipped on a wet rock and twisted my bad knee. well that put me on crutches for a while and i was beginning to think i was not going to be able to go on this hunt. well it eventually got well enough to go but still couldn't walk that far or fast or down hill without pain. wife had some health issues als but told me to go anyway. well when i got there a day early and took a ride thru the area we were so-pose to be hunting and saw nothing i was getting worried. But the next day they assured me i would get my Elk.the first evening i called home to see how the wife was doing and got no answer. I tried calling many times without getting an answer. luckely i harvest my elk on the second day because i finally found out that my wife knew she was going to have to go to the hospital the day i left and knew i wouldn't go if she had told me. so as soon as i found out i had the Elk prepossessed and headed home. Unfortunately that hospital stay wasn't enough, she past away 9 months later. we were madly in love for 57 years. will show pics when i find out where they went sell phone pics only.

Old Man

Congratulations on the long marriage you and your wonderful wife shared. What was important to her, was you, and having been married to you all those years, she knew how important that elk hunt was to you. What a beautifully unselfish woman she was.

I am sorry she is not with you now, but you will be together again when it is time for you to join her.

My husband has also passed and I have a few years on you as well as health issues, so I sincerely understand how you feel and wish you all the best.

Thank you for sharing your story with us. Like your wife and marriage, it was a beautiful

Congratulations on the successful Elk hunt
Congratulations on the Bull and so sorry for your loss. Your wife sounds like a wonderful woman.
Congrats on the elk and very sorry for your loss. That was not the ending I was expecting when I started to read your write up. That’s a very long marriage for today’s standards. Sounds like a great woman that she cared so much for your passion of hunting.
Old man, your post is a heart-wrenching lesson that hunting is a luxury, partially purchased by the support of those we love. One of my favorite aspects of hunting is that it overrides the other concerns of life, @ least for a few days. You remind us to enjoy hunting now, since the time will come when we have to focus on our loved ones instead of our own interests. Condolences for your loss, thanks for your post.
I enjoyed your post. Sorry about your wife but congratulations on finding a great life partner.