learning WY application process

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Dec 11, 2016
I've always been a northwoods whitetail hunter who has decided this year to try a hand at elk. We're looking to do a Wyoming late season cow elk hunt to break into elk hunting and a good meat hunt. To be upfront, I know nothing about hunting elk other than what I've been researching here and all over.

I do have a couple of questions about the WY application process:

For nonresident, Type 6 elk tags am I reading the drawing odds correctly when:
- there are more 1st choice applicants and also 2nd choice applicants than the total quota, this means some applicants do not get a tag, correct or no?
- also, is there a place you can see on the WY G&S site that shows the quota for a hunt area in 2017? Cant seem to find that info if it's there.

Is there anything I should be keying in on for locating elk winter range? Again, I know very little about WY and the habitats across the state. I've been checking out the elk hunt area map and trying to relate the units to the habitat on satellite imagery. I know this is rough and only a starting point but have to start somewhere. I'd hate to draw a tag for a hunt area only to find there are few if any wintering elk.

I'm not looking for "your elk is tied up at this location" info but any tips, and experience would be greatly and I mean greatly appreciated. thanks.
If you have never hunted elk, you may want to think twice about hunting them late in the year when weather conditions can be brutal and some areas where the animals are located might not even be accessible due to closed roads. If there are units showing a long late season for cows like you're talking about, it should mean that the animals are there. However, it also often happens that they are congregated on private lands that aren't legally accessible at least without paying a trespass fee. You would probably be best to pick out several units and then come back on the Forums to ask members for their knowledge about them since you will usually get some good comments, rather than out on a thread like this with no places mentioned. People like to know that you've done your homework and are more willing to offer help that way.

You are correct in your assessment of the tag totals not being a 100% draw when there are more applicants than tags.

No, there are only tentative season opening dates in the booklet at this time. Tag totals are not posted until the Final Regulations come out online in late April. That means for elk you pretty well have to cross your fingers that they will be similar to 2016 and is a big reason that F&G needs to align their elk draw with the other draws during early summer so that information is available like it is for those who have until 5/31 to apply for deer and antelope.
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Thanks, per your post and I just located a previous one with a similar question on quota availability I do now see that the season dates and quotas aren't set until the April commission meeting. That's really screwy for a NR to try to plan a hunt. Even the modify deadline date is in Feb, well before any regs are set so even that is useless...anyways... beyond my control. Guess it truly is a cross your fingers deal.

I appreciate the advice on picking units first before posting. However, I have indeed been slowly narrowing things down between trying to find a unit with a guarantee draw, combined with late season access, combined with wintering elk, combined with HMA's/public land, etc, etc. Hence my above question about what elk use for winter range. thanks though.
Bit of advice...on taking advice.

Its better to listen to people that have actually done the hunt(s) you're asking about. There are a handful of "topguns" that regurgitate what they hear or think, more than what they know.

The late elk hunts are nothing to worry about, and while the weather can be bad, in the dozens of times I've hunted late tags, getting to elk has never been an issue. They aren't always off the road type of deals, but with a bit of glassing, hiking, and common sense hunting you can do it no problem. Also, while Wyoming does get some real chit weather, just plan ahead a bit and be willing to wait out a day or two of rough weather. Give yourself a 5-7 day window of hunting, knowing that you may have a couple weather days. Be prepared with tire chains, shovels, plenty of warm clothes, yada yada...no big whoop.

That said, on one of the worst days I've ever personally spent hunting late elk in Wyoming, my buddy and I glassed up a dozen or so 6 point bulls. He was able to take a pretty darn good one, in some very rough weather conditions. Me with my buddies bull:


Just be cautious of who gives you advice and make sure they've actually hunted the type of hunts your asking about. Its pretty easy to weed out the BSer's.
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Bit of advice...on taking advice.

Its better to listen to people that have actually done the hunt(s) you're asking about. There are a handful of "topguns" that regurgitate what they hear or think, more than what they know.

The late elk hunts are nothing to worry about, and while the weather can be bad, in the dozens of times I've hunted late tags, getting to elk has never been an issue. They aren't always off the road type of deals, but with a bit of glassing, hiking, and common sense hunting you can do it no problem. Also, while Wyoming does get some real chit weather, just plan ahead a bit and be willing to wait out a day or two of rough weather. Give yourself a 5-7 day window of hunting, knowing that you may have a couple weather days. Be prepared with tire chains, shovels, plenty of warm clothes, yada yada...no big whoop.

That said, on one of the worst days I've ever personally spent hunting late elk in Wyoming, my buddy and I glassed up a dozen or so 6 point bulls. He was able to take a pretty darn good one, in some very rough weather conditions. Me with my buddies bull:

View attachment 66214

Just be cautious of who gives you advice and make sure they've actually hunted the type of hunts your asking about. Its pretty easy to weed out the BSer's.

That is an awesome bull. And, I think I recognize that -10 degree weather in the background.

That is good advice on taking advice.
I have always wondered how the Wyoming expert on this forum lived 1500 miles away from Wyoming....
+1 on staying away late season. Between weather, and post rut It can be a tough hunt. Especially with no knowledge of the species, or terrain. Local knowledge of the herd always helps for beginners that don't know what to look for.
That is an awesome bull. And, I think I recognize that -10 degree weather in the background.

That is good advice on taking advice.
I have always wondered how the Wyoming expert on this forum lived 1500 miles away from Wyoming....

Simple answer---I call Wyoming my second home and am out there for 2-3 months every Fall. I doubt that there is any other NR on this site that spends more time out there every year! This year I headed out there on 8/27 and didn't get back here until 11/6. I'd bet that I covered more counties during that two months than BuzzH or any other resident out there unless maybe they are a guide. There is only one big mouth on this Forum that has to sound off when I try to give advice to first timers when all I was trying to advise here was that late hunts out there can be tough and why depending on where you go. The main area I hunt in out there has a ton of cow tags that are good until late December, but many years the only way to access the areas where they are is with a snowmobile, which is far different than other areas that don't get weather like that. That is exactly why I suggested to the OP that he pick some units and come back on the Forums so that people like BuzzH that know everything there is to know can help him! Here are a few of the animals I helped friends take out in the state this past Fall. And before anyone asks why didn't I shoot all those animals it's very simple. The tags are damn near impossible to draw for a NR without a ton of PPs and I prefer to hunt every year even if that means helping friends. This was my 64th hunting season and 21 have been out in Wyoming for anywhere from 2 weeks to almost 3 months each year. I've got enough years under my belt that if I never squeeze the trigger on another animal it's no big deal and, in fact, at this stage of my life I find as much or more fun helping others. I hope everyone else gets the chance to spend as much time in the outdoors as I have been able to during my lifetime and I wish everyone on the site a Happy New Year with lots of tags drawn! P1020646.JPGP1020679.JPGP1020686.JPGP1020694.jpgP1020698.jpg
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First off, I'm noticing a lot of "brutal weather" in those pictures, must have been pretty mild late elk hunts you were on.

Secondly, you claim to "help" your buddy who paid an outfitter for that moose and deer? If you're such an old hand at everything Wyoming, why did you and your buddy both book deer hunts in G? Why book a moose and deer hunt?

The only advice you're qualified to give in regard to those photos is perhaps rating the quality of the meals your buddies outfitter provided...

As far as the late elk hunts go, you've never been on one, so stick to what you know...rating outfitters.

First off, I'm noticing a lot of "brutal weather" in those pictures, must have been pretty mild late elk hunts you were on.

***Didn't say I was on any late hunts now did I?!

Secondly, you claim to "help" your buddy who paid an outfitter for that moose and deer? If you're such an old hand at everything Wyoming, why did you and your buddy both book deer hunts in G? Why book a moose and deer hunt?

***To get up into the country that was hunted you need horses and that means an outfitter! 99% of our hunts are DIY, but to take some animals and being 69+ years old DIYing isn't always the best way to do a hunt!

The only advice you're qualified to give in regard to those photos is perhaps rating the quality of the meals your buddies outfitter provided...

***Happy New Year to you too!

As far as the late elk hunts go, you've never been on one, so stick to what you know...rating outfitters.

***You have no idea what I do or what I've been on unless I comment about it out on a website and FYI, I've only booked two outfitted hunts since I started hunting out in Wyoming back in 1992. Don't you have something more to do with your valuable time than coming on here and being an a**hole?!!
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If you haven't been on late hunts, don't give "advice". Even though you've never done a hunt, or even stepped foot in a unit when someone asks, it doesn't slow you down from coming across as an expert. It gets old. I truly feel sorry for some of the people you've given "advice" to.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't rated the quality of the dinner your outfitter provided. Show the same restraint when trying to help others with things outside your knowledge base...like late elk hunts.
There you go woodsman... all clear eh? I know nothing about late season WY cow hunts, but I hope you have a good one!
Topgun's advice was good, in my opinion. In a general sense, and that's all he was doing, is giving advice from his perspective. I think it's a bad idea to discourage a person from giving advice on a hunting forum like this.

Topgun has helped me out greatly with Wyoming hunting, especially 3 to 4 years ago when I hadn't yet hunted in Wyoming, and his advice has always been accurate.

Often I think it's better to get advice from a non-resident, and when someone hunts Wyoming for two months every year and has done so for a couple of decades, I feel he certainly is a very good resource for people who are new to hunting in Wyoming.

I'm also interested in a late cow hunt. Buzz, please PM me with which unit I should apply for.
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My advise to all is if an elk tag is a leftover, it's not worth your trouble or money to buy one.:)
Ok, to try to steer this somewhat back on course. I appreciate the input guys. Foolish or no, I'm going to go for a late season hunt so that question is answered. Secondly, I live in the northern part of a northern state so am very familiar with deep snow and brutual cold, it's part of my life. I'm a forester by trade so am in the woods throughout the year every day - weather isn't an issue other than shutting down animal movements during a hunt. I have heard that Wyoming and other "plains" states have their own unique winter conditions but just have to use common sense, right?

As far as walking, also not a problem. That's part of the adventure of a hunt. In my northwoods whitetail hunting I snow track and still hunt so hunting long distances is what I'm use to. I know western states have elevation I don't have here. I can deal with that and have every year in fighting fires out west.

JM, care to clarify what you mean there? I'm thinking it means if a hunt unit has leftovers then maybe that's not such a great place to be chasing elk around? I've assumed this very thing while checking out the past draw results where there were very few applicants. In trying to narrow down hunt units I've also heard some units are very outfitter heavy. Evidently they'll even go so far to drive elk from open lands to their private. If things like this are true, this is exactly why I'm picking at folks experience here in trying to narrow down a hunt unit to apply for. I'm hesitant to post a list of hunt units I'm considering yet. Right or no, to me that just wouldn't be productive.

thanks for the input so far guys.
woodsman115---JM77 was just being facetious (that's why he put the smiley after the comment), as was the followup comment by BuzzH. I really don't know how you are going to get good information on what the best unit(s) for you to put in for would be unless you do as I mentioned in my OP and come back on with some numbers so those in the know about late hunts like BuzzH would be able to help you. He just took some NRs out and they got their cow in a matter of hours, so maybe he'd be willing to help you do the same if you ask him. He knows his shit even if he does lack tact with the members out on the forums!
TopGun - Buzz

Can you help me on something? Tigers or Tide next week?

You both know more than me about WY and have both been helpful to others. :)

Did you check the message I sent you a few days ago? All you need to know is right there...apply for the easiest to draw area I mentioned. Once you get the tag, get in touch with me again if you have further questions.

These late hunts are only as tough as you make them. I don't think you'll have any problem, the elk in the area I mentioned as easiest to draw has them from one end of the unit to the other. All the HMA's have elk on them at times, some more often than others. Much of the accessible public also holds elk. There are landowners that will let you hunt for free, or at most, for your landowner coupon that comes on your license. I went out in mid December with a friend and we saw elk all day all through the unit.

Took a guy from NPR out just before Christmas that wanted to do a story on TPL to the closest and easiest place that had BLM in the area I suggested as easiest to draw...saw elk there about 11 a.m. on public land with an open hunting season going on.

You wont have any trouble seeing/finding elk...the hunting and killing will be on you though.
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