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late season bow kill


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
Well after hearing from the land owner that this nice 10 was chasing doe's all last week he told me to get him. I have been sitting on stand all week and tonight about last light I was ready to get down and I have 4 smaller bucks under me. One a 16" 8 a 6 and a 4 and a spike. There heads poped up and I look down the creek and here he come running in. He only gave me a front on shot so I put it in the bread basket but hitting a rib the arrow exited the gut Smelly ! So I called the wife needed to head to church for the evening Christmas service and after words Jake and I headed out to fine the guy. Tracking was easy in the snow. I was surprised that he was not in the creek but instead he chose to take a bed on a high point which to observe for invaders. But he was not very successful as you can see a fox had beat me to him. Drag was a little cumbersome to say the least. 200 yards up 2 hills through snow drifts of 3 ' across the creek but Jake was a trooper. Full of Piss and vinegar he did his ol man proud. Youth these days. LOL



Congrats on a fine buck! I'm curious how you dealt with the area where the fox made himself a meal. I had a coyote take a fair sized chunk out of the hind quarter of a muley buck I shot some years back. We ended up cutting that whole section out for fear of who knows what. Damn shame but it was pre-'net and we didn't know where to go for info on how to handle it.
DDD, fox had not broke through the rib cage or worked on the back side on the deer. He must have just gotten onto the buck. Buck was still very warm. In the area where we found him was padded down good for about 5 yards around so the buck was moving to fend off the fox. I figured it would be about a 3-4 hour period before he expired. Most deer when gut shot will hunch there backs up, when I saw that I knew he was done for and felt good about heading to church and comeing back to retreive him.

Thanks all for your complements.
Thanks all, MDhunter, sitting in the tree gives me a way to settle down after a day in the shop. And when I get news of a nice buck in the the area of one of my back yard stands I know I usually have a 7 to 14 day window to get him. So I sit.

MY son is on a nice size 10 with double drops, I keep telling him you got to be out there for that last 45 minutes of light of the 1st 30 minutes.
I hope he gets him.

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