Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Late Nevada muley hunt.

This is kicka$$!!!! Look forward to the finale!!!!! Congrats, and thanks for sharing. Super country - super bucks. Sounds like you have great patience.
"I eased into the strip of timber with all my senses on alert. On the stealth scale, I was somewhere between jungle cat and ninja."

Best. Line. EVER
Back to the story....

Obvious sign of a hit. The shot was chest-on, so hopefully the 350 grain slug did it's job and went for the opposite end zone.

I slowly followed the drops, which soon turned into a garden hose type trail.

He bombed straight down hill, much further than I expected, but I knew the ending of this story.

Or so I thought.....

As he lay.

As I approached, I was speechless.
This was not my buck.

Not the buck I had spent hours looking at.

Not the buck I got giddy over.

Not the buck. period.

I sat down a couple feet away from the dead deer that my bullet had found and said nothing, did nothing. I just sat.

I sat for a long time, just trying to get my head screwed on straight and find my right attitude of why I hunt.

Finally, after reviewing some thoughts that involved the hunt, this buck, my life, my family, my beliefs, etc, I warmed up to him.

No where near the quality buck I thought I shot, but for darned sure it's my buck.

He's maybe a little better than average, but not much. But he's mine.

Here we are, my buck and I with the scenery of the best mule deer hunt I've had. Bar none the most incredible quality hunt I've been on. It's going to take a while to fully digest the outcome.


My mistake was obvious. Heavy cover and mistaken identity. I should have waited until they fed out of the trees instead of stalking them into cover.

I want to say thanks for a wife that tolerates me doing this type of thing. Thanks to my Dad who drove 3 hours to help me set up camp that first night. It was a bit dicey getting in there, we got stuck, and setting up a wall tent in wind alone would have been way less fun.

Also, thanks to all who fed me info on this hunt. It was invaluable. A guy who frequents this site spent a good 40 minutes of his busy schedule with me on the phone, going over maps, etc.

I can't say enough good about the potential of the unit. If a person has the time, cooperating weather, decent glass and knows how to use it, and is willing to GET OFF THE ATV, a person could get a buck of a lifetime.

One thing I did forget to bring on the hunt was sunscreen. My face and neck are roasted and toasted somewhere near medium rare.

My name is Tyson and I excel in mediocrity.
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The jungle cat side of you should be able to track well!! C'mon man your killing us.