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last from the past Kodiak Blacktail

upper deck

Feb 4, 2009
Looks like I lost my B from the blast from the past title.

I thought I would post some pics from a blacktail hunt on Kodiak island from a number of years ago. My computer had crashed and I lost all my pics a while back. About a month ago I was talking to a buddy that went on the trip and remembered to ask him about sending me his pics. The story will be the best I can remember as some part might be a little off.

We flew up to Anchorage on Oct 31, only reason I remember was the good time was had that night. We the flew to Kodiak island on the morning of Sat Nov 1. We were scheduled to leave on the boat Sun Nov 2nd but with some weather moving in they wanted to leave on Sat so after a quick stop to pick up licence we were on our way.

We rode a good portion of the night and started out on Sun morning again and ended up in a protected area on Sun late morning. We were ale to get out and do a little hunting if we didn't blow away, it was around 30+ mph winds so in reality it was more of just a stretch.

Later Sun afternoon they wanted to get the boat into a more protected area for when the real weather hit. That night and the next two (Mon and Tues) we were back in a protected bay, it you can call it that riding out the storm. They had 30 ft seas and the winds were unreal, I believe they had gusts 100+ mph. You could hear the gust coming and it would just rock the boat over on its side, for two days this is all we could do.

Tues night the weather finally broke and Wed we were going to be able to get off the boat and do some hunting. We went back into the bay we hunted a little day 1, had a great time and a few guys killed some deer.

Thurs. we ended up hunting on the south side of the Island and I saw a ton of deer that day right away and a couple of them being shooters. To make a long storty short I sat and watched two good bucks attempt to bed that morning and was going to pick the easiest one to spot and stock with a bow. As I watched them they were very nervous and never really settled down to bed. Then about 10 min later I saw why as a good bear came trotting over to the rise behind them. This ended up beig the theme for my hunt on Thurs. I saw 4 bucks that I wanted to attempt to kill and everyone was messed up by a bear. Ended up seeing 4 bears that day, by the end all I could do is sit back and enjoy watching them. I did end up shooting a doe close to the shoreline that evening with the days running out of the hunt.

Fri ended up being a half day to hunt as we had to start working are way back to the docks. I did end up shooting one this day with a rifle and to be honest it had been years since I had shot a rifle at this point and a guy on the boat gave me his 375 and off I went. Now you would think one shot with that would be all I needed wrong. If I remember right I ended up thumping him 3 times before he went down. Actually I knew I hit him once but I thought I was missing after that until we cleaned him and foud all the holes.

Overall this was a great trip ended up filling some deer and had a great time catching some fish. It could have been even better if the weather would have helped out but nothing you can do other than enjoy it.


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More pics

Now many of these pics are my buddy, due to it being his camera.


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That looks like a great adventure and lots of fun, the bodies on those deer are bigger than I imagined they would be.
Anybody know how the body size compares to the whitetails in the N.West?
Looks like fun! Thanks for sharing the trip.

I remember being able to here the wind coming, right before it slammed the tent. It always got so calm before each gust, and you thought maybe it was going to die down, but then another gust would hit. Luckily it was only like that for about 12 hours.
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