Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Land Swap Up Again

I read thru this stuff especially Kat article, very interesting info and rules that Kat has provided.

I emailed Connley with the link Kat provided asking some specific questions about the rules of BLM , there actions up to this point. I have had no response as of yet,,,

the great falls article doesn't include the info Kat has provided that's for sure. I wonder will the great falls paper also run Kats article info,

as a poor taxpaying citizen that is against any land transfer with the wilkes, I wonder how long it will take before the wilkes finally get there way. I doubt they will give up before they acquire the Durfees... they probably paid so much for the land surrounding the durfees they would probably have a hard time reselling it,,,,
The extensive work that Kat has done is to be applauded! All the illegal fencing along with the very probable illegal encroachment and unnecessary habitat destruction that is thoroughly documented IMHO shows despicable actions taken by the contractor that did the Wilks fencing and the buck stops with the landowners themselves for allowing it to happen! IMHO there should be no further discussion between the Wilks and the BLM who works for the US taxpayers, other than for the BLM to start and proceed with whatever litigation is necessary to not only restore the land, but also to remove fencing wherever it is determined to be of illegal measurements. The Wilks need to be shown that money doesn't allow you to do whatever you feel like doing when you don't get your own way and that is exactly what appears to have happened when the Durfee Hills swap was nixed!
so which sportsmen, wildlife and conservation groups are working with the wilks bros. proposal?
There was like 13 representatives from statewide organizations there. MSA had a couple of guys, MWF, Russel Country, MBA for just a few. They are looking over the proposal.