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Ky elk ehu 5 any one have any places


New member
Jul 12, 2009
I have the first week bull hunt and looking for a place to go.If any one knows any thing about that area and would like to share
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There is a lot of good land around Hyden that you can hunt. I've spent a lot of time in that area. I'd be glad to help you out if I can.
Hi kyhunter42

My nane is Nevelle and I live in ohio county ky.I could use some inside help for sure,they are suppose to send a packet with some names of landowners and other places to hunt but dont know how much help that would be.I dont know anything about that area so any help would be great. Thanks Nevelle
I've seen a lot of Elk in Redbird WMA, but that is unit 6. Sorry I just saw with unit you are hunting. You might want to try the eastern sectio nof Corrigan WMA, where it butts up to Redbird. There is also an area in the northern section of the unit. Its right above hwy 1096 on the link below. It shows up as a bald or brown spot. Its a large closed strip mine. I can't remember the name right off the top of my head but it easy to find. I believe the county owns a lot of land up there. Some of the abandoned mine land is county property. I've seen a lot of elk grazing the reclaimed land.

Also check
hi again

I thank you for the info I will try to check out those places.kinda hard this far away,I dont have much time to scout .going to Co.for two weeks elk hunting and will just get home 3 days before comming up there.will have to come up before going out west.I will be bowhunting.If you live in the area and would like to hunt with me that would be cool. nevelle
thanks any way

My reguler elk hunt buddies cant hunt with me on this hunt.I am 64 years old and just cant do it by myself anymore.I am sure I can find someone to help me.dont mind hunting alone but hard to pack one out.Thanks for the help and aprreciate any thing you got.I will keep you posted on events.
You might be able to find a little help on I know a lot of those guys would love to help out on that hunt just because they can't get drawn. I would recomend posting something on there. Good luck
Bow hunt or rifle.

Maybe yoiu do not realize how lucky you were to draw in Kentucky...dump the colo hunt and focus on your KY hunt if that is what it takes to ensure you make the most of it. real opportunity to tag a great bull, as compared to Colorado, land of the little bull. You have a once in a lifetime tag. There are a LOT of guys who would relish opportunity to help on a KY hunt. Do some networking and find the right person, not just 'any' person. Be selective. Last thing you need is to have a hunt ruined by invitiing someone you would never have invited, had you taken the time to know them a it better.

You may be underestimating the help the landpowner, etc. list will be. Call all the numbers and chat them up. I bet they have a lot of useful insights (and might even help you get your bull out if you build some raport with them. It is a novel hunt, afterall. Each person you speak with ask "is there anyone who really knows the elk and elk hunting in the area that I should talk to" Could be that will yield great info.

Good luck.
Thanks kyhunter

I will be bowhunting in Co. and Ky.Thank you for the advice and is good advice too.will call the landowners on list when I recieve it ,should be soon.Yes it is very impportant to hunt with good partners.Have been on both sides of that. Thanks