Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

KUIU... the new chit....I guess...

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
The Sitka founder, after selling out to GORE.. .has now founded another high end outdoor gear company... KUIU... not available till January or later I guess... I wonder if he can make it just one more notch expensive than the last...

Apparently they are building a pack that might be kick ass...supposedly light, but still very durable... we shall see.... Looks like clothes and a backpack so far...
Several of you have asked for more color photos and field shots of the camouflage. I will shoot A LOT of field shots in a variety of situations so you can get a really clear understanding of this pattern how it works. These will be available in the next couple of months.

Rocket science ain't cheap.
I would agree with what he says we need but I can't afford his first products much less any rocket science backed stuff
Trying to understand what makes the demand high enough to sell clothing at such prices ... I certainly understand sponsored wearers though out of pocket$ 1200+ not including pack...(nother $500+) is it really that great over joe red suspenders n flanel shirts w/ blue jeans? Or is just a matter of have the money get the best... no sense buying second best?
Same deal as Sitka several years ago(you see a ton of folks with it now) and any other high quality gear for that matter.

Ask a question about gear on this or virtually any other hunting website and you get:
Clothes: Stika
Pack: MR or Kifaru
Boots: Kenetrek or Lowa
Tent: Hilleberg
Optics: Swaro

The reason...because it is really nice stuff and generally is better than cheaper stuff. Folks with the passion we have tend to spend their expendable income on the highest quality gear they can afford.

Paying double or more to get an extra 10% of performance is worth it to a lot of folks and not just the wealthy.

I suspect this gear will do gangbusters and in 2 years we'll all be wanting that pack or a later version of it.
YEa, all that stuff seems to get a lot of hype............

Backpack looks like it could be cool though...
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The Sitka strategy is really pretty simple. Give some of it away to guys that will kill some critters and their kill photos become your advertisements...the rest of the public that has more money than sense will buy it because they'll buy anything that might give them a shortcut to a bigger critter.

What I haven't figured out is why Sitka stuff is discounted so often. I have several pieces of it and all were bought at around 40% off or so. I don't know if Sitka is intentionally doing things to get merchants to discount their clothing or not, but it is strange.

And to the guys who haven't used it, I would recommend trying it out. Don't get the base layer stuff, get a piece of it that will really show you if you like it or not. I was quite impressed by the jacket I used this year. I hunted through all of that 0 degree stuff the last week with an under armour base layer and a Sitka Jetstream jacket. If you've never looked at one, they aren't very all...and yet it was very warm. I was pretty impressed with their 90% pants last year too. Its expensive, sure. But it is a little more special than most everything else.

I will say this, most of the hunters I see wearing Sitka stuff don't hunt in the kind of conditions that really make it any better than any other clothing.
Haven't seen any Sitka gear that I'd use if it were given to me. How is it any better than the clothing made by Patagonia, Arc Teryx, MT Hardware, Icebreaker, etc...other than they've got a trendy camo pattern that means absolutely dick, even when bowhunting??

I'm here to learn, so sell me on Sitka or this new stuff... I do know that I won't be using or dropping any cash on something I don't really like..
other than they've got a trendy camo pattern that means absolutely dick, even when bowhunting??

Don't make me search for a Greenhorn elk hero shot with Army Ranger face paint:D

I had a 90% coat. I loved that thing. Windproof, vents, fit well, hood, just the right thickness. It was a older one and I know the new ones changed a bunch and were much thinner.

Like most I didn’t pay full price for it. Can’t compare it to any thing mentioned above because I never had any of those.

Unfortunately it is rotting somewhere in a PJ forest in NW Colorado.
Haven't seen any Sitka gear that I'd use if it were given to me. How is it any better than the clothing made by Patagonia, Arc Teryx, MT Hardware, Icebreaker, etc...other than they've got a trendy camo pattern that means absolutely dick, even when bowhunting??

Try hunting in some inclement weather and get back to us.;)

I am in agreement, but family asked what I wanted for Christmas. Don't need anything, but got them off my back by mentioning SITKA. Maybe I will look cool in field pics next year, even though I thought my Big Sky SportHill was stellar this year.:D
So what I am hearing is gear don't make the hunter? I was leaning towrds a complete Under Armour make over so I could be like CH, except I can't do the pushups.
Dink, I'm reminded of the face-painting opening days of archery season by the stupid photos I have in my reloading room..
So what I am hearing is gear don't make the hunter? I was leaning towrds a complete Under Armour make over so I could be like CH, except I can't do the pushups.

How many CH posters do you currently have in your bedroom? This may be unhealthy.
Haven't seen any Sitka gear that I'd use if it were given to me. How is it any better than the clothing made by Patagonia, Arc Teryx, MT Hardware, Icebreaker, etc...other than they've got a trendy camo pattern that means absolutely dick, even when bowhunting??

I'm here to learn, so sell me on Sitka or this new stuff... I do know that I won't be using or dropping any cash on something I don't really like..

It might not be any better than stuff made by Patagonia, etc but most of those brands will run you into the same price point as Sitka, so I guess if you were buying a piece of clothing for the first time, Sitka would be the route most would go. If you already had a similar piece of clothing from a mountaineering brand, then it would be stupid to re-buy it in Sitka.

Its very possible that the hunting world is just now discovering things the mountaineering community has known about for a while. I haven't used all the brands out there, so I can't say.

One thing about Sitka, that you might have trouble finding in mountaineering brands, is quiet fabric. Mountain climbers don't need to be quiet. Much of the lightweight mountaineering stuff is quiet, but the heavier stuff is not.

And you're right on as to the camo...I wish they made more of their clothing in other colors...I don't like looking like every other optifade dork in all of my photos.

If you wanted to try a piece of clothing to see what Sitka is like, I'd recommend either the Jetstream or 90% jackets. The Jetstream being the warmer of the two. I saw Jetstreams on sale for $175 online the other day...$300 jacket normally.