Caribou Gear

Kudos to Secretary Barnhardt

I really don't care about a underground easement 30 feet wide as long as no above ground structures. Now please please keep wind energy away from the AP trail.
Did you link the right article? Because that one doesn't have any good news.

Agreed and I work in the OG industry.

If you look at the map, they are basically trying to put the pipeline on federal land as much as possible so that they don't have to get SUAs, and fork over lots of cash. It's not a terrain question it's a can we get a permit to build a pipeline across fed land for X dollars or do we have to go through private for 10x dollars.
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It's not a terrain question it's a can we get a permit to build a pipeline across fed land for X dollars or do we have to go through private for 10x dollars.
This is the exact reason. Dominion has proposed underground boring of a large section of that. The mountain valley pipeline is another by Equitrans that is on hold currently for attempting to take a similar route. I know Dominion has a fortune tied up already in building the Atlantic coast pipeline. A lot of the infrastructure is already completed and now just sitting idle.
This is the exact reason. Dominion has proposed underground boring of a large section of that. The mountain valley pipeline is another by Equitrans that is on hold currently for attempting to take a similar route. I know Dominion has a fortune tied up already in building the Atlantic coast pipeline. A lot of the infrastructure is already completed and now just sitting idle.
I understand that, I’m just of the opinion that the federal government should not subsidize uneconomic energy development projects on our public lands by giving below market value lease rates. That applies across the board, solar, wind, OG, etc.
I agree with you. These companies can buy ROW off landowners for the going rate if the want the pipeline put in. I work in oil/gas industry and still feel that way.
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