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Well.....Glad you are feeling better after that.
Usually DELW just Goes to the Adult Section and Does alot of CUSSING/SWEARING..

Sometimes that works too

Another reason for posting at, We get rid of frustration more then we cause it.. "SOMETIMES"
Yo Toonces; so what is up with that?
did you just feel the need to say that or is there a reason for your statement?
pretty inflametory statement with nothing to explain your position.
your post makes no sense, I'm sure to you, that it is something that you needed to say, but to the rest of us, we do not have a clue as to your meaning
The usual stuff Brushy...

The webmaster and club management worship the unholy trinity of political correctness, corporate cowardice, and greed, while the intellectual and emotional creativity of members is disregarded and disrespected.

I am starting to feel much better, this is good.
Whoa man, thats really good!! Well said.
However; that forum over there and this forum here is i think supposed to be for everyone, is it not? regardless of politcal correctness or intellectual prowess.
it is my contension that any subject can be discussed in a civil and polite manner and no topic should be off limits.
so mearly stateing that the NAHC can kiss your ass does not solve anything, it only serves to inflame and infuriate people while giving you a cheap sense of pleasure
if you have valid point to make, then back it up with facts. if you don't like the censorship that is going on over there, then just say it so we all can understand
I'm with Toonces on this one. Buncha friggin' censor-happy Nazi bastards. That's what I like about Moosie's- people here are free to speak their mind- even Elkchsr & Paul, God love 'em...

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 12-22-2003 20:19: Message edited by: Yukon Hunter ]</font>
never said that i disagreed with toonces. just saying, call a spade a spade. i just like to "DANCE WITH THE DEVIL IN THE PALE MOONLIGHT" get my meaning?
HEY Brushy.. If I make a Statement :


Do I need to follow that up with an Explination, or can I jsut state it ?

~Moosie---->> Smarty pants
Moosie; I think i pretty much get your drift on that one

however, i think that the only ass that Sadam will be kissing, is his own ass goodbye
Toonces I'd make them the same offer but I don't want those integrity depleted, pudendum masticating, Jethro Bodine looking yew pluckers that close to the family jewels!!

Phil Foreman
Former Life Member NAHC
On a serious note, why should they kiss my ass too? I just got my renewal and shoved it in the "to be paid later" slot.

Back to the regularly scheduled ass-kissing.

Howard Dean - KISS MY HAIRY ASS!!