King Arthur


New member
Mar 28, 2001
Ohio but my heart is always in the woods
This is not quite what we have seen or read about before. It is more like how the legends came to be. It is partially based on the person they believe to have been Arthur. I like these type of movies of I give it a 4 1/2 out of 5.

I would buy it someday. ;)
I didn't care very much for the movie. I thought the lead actor whimpy for his part. The support actors all looked too Hollywoody for me. I mean perfectly cropped beards and hair. Sheesh, give me a break, it was the dark ages!
I thought it was OK, but didn't much care for their take on the mythology. Maybe if they fleshed it out more it might've been better, but there was a lot of story not told. Also, I was a bit annoyed at the fact that they tried to give a historical explanation for Arthur, but then ignored historical facts to do it. For example, Lancelot uses two swords in a double-handed technique: BS. Tristan uses a curved, orientally-styled sword in an obviously oriental two-handed fashion: BS. Arthur is supposed to be Roman, yet he uses cavalry and broadswords and similar tactics that the Romans were famous for NOT using, and were just warming up to in the period of the movie: BS (the best part was when he was dressed in his Roman armor, complete with crest on the helmet, while riding a horse and carrying a broadsword). I could go on, but anyway. :) I'll give it 3 spikes for action, anyway.
I, too, didn't know what to think of it. I sure liked how Gwenivere shot that bow and wasn't too shabby with a sword either!!
i will have to look this one up. I like those types of movies. Remember Excalibur? made in the early 80's? i loved that one as a kid.
Fully dug this pic! I disagree with Big Sky in that I thought Clive Owen brought a great deal of regality to his part. At the same time he was very human and felt real to his circumstances.

I don't know the historical relevance of the weaponry but even I could see they were beating you over the head with the different weapon and fighting styles of the various characters. That pert definitely felt more teenage mutunat ninja turtle than real.

The rest of it though I really liked. I have a big soft spot for the Arthurian legends and was prepared to be really disatisfied with this one from what the reviews were putting forth. But it really showed a different angle on the legends which was fully enjoyable to explore.
i saw it yesterday. I give it a 2.5 out of 5. it lacked a plot.
Ok I watched this movie on Friday, buuuuttt I fell asleep, so now i have to try and watch it over again. The parts that I saw were really good.
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