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Killington, Vermont Votes to Join New Hampshire

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Voting with a thunderous "aye," residents endorsed a plan Tuesday for this ski resort town to secede from Vermont and become a part of New Hampshire instead.........."

Today is "Town Meeting Day" in Vermont. The day all towns meet to vote on town issues and keep democracy strong. :D There are always some rebellions----it's kind of a tradition. :D Actually, the Vermont legislature holds a vote every few years on whether or not to secede from the United States.

The funny part about the Killington vote is that it's about 75 miles from New Hampshire (not 25, as the article says). :D

In March of 1941 (Town meeting time) the Vermont legislature declared war on Germany-----nine months before the rest of the country. :D And Ethan Allen and The Green Mountain Boys fought very hard and effectively in the Revolutionary War, but refused to join the Union with the other colonies when the war was over. They had long been at odds with New York and New Hampshire, who were always trying to claim Vermont as part of their own territory and there was a lot of mistrust. They finally became the 14th state a few years later, but only with the understanding that they could secede from the Union whenever they thought things weren't going well. :D Every few years they decide things aren't going well and have a vote on the subject. :D
Who gets to lead the Vermont empire after succession, Ben or Jerry? :rolleyes:
Hanger, Did you know that Vermonters don't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon? We believe in individual responsibility. :D

"There are 42 U.S. States which issue concealed handgun permits. (See States .) In Vermont, a citizen has the right to carry a firearm without permits. If H.R. 407 passes, the Vermonter would have the right to carry it in any other State without a permit."

Here's plenty more backup:

If you guys from all those other liberal, socialist wimp states lived in Vermont you could carry all the concealed weapons you want---no permit required. How ya gonna beat that? :D We think everyone should carry a concealed weapon. It discourages crime. :D

Hanger, Anything anyone named Ted Williams says is OK with me. :D Did you know Ted Williams said his strike zone could be divided up into 86 areas each big enough for a baseball, and he knew what his batting average was for each individual area?
We Vermonters think it's an outrage that other states don't recognize our right to carry a concealed weapon without a permit! :D What a bunch of wimps all those other states are!

"The State of VERMONT is unique in that it does not issue weapon/firearms licenses. Florida licensees - indeed, licensed or unlicensed citizens from any state - may carry in Vermont. This presents a problem for reciprocity with Florida. Florida law provides that an out-of-state resident must have in his or her immediate possession a valid license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. Since Vermont residents have no such license, the right to concealed carry cannot be extended to them under Florida law."
Did you know that Vermonters don't need a permit to carry a concealed weapon? We believe in individual responsibility.
I did know that. Alaska has the same type of law now.

I got my New Hampshire permit four years ago because it met the requirements for the state of Wyoming, as Idaho's did not. Since then, Wyoming has changed their laws so that an Idaho permit is valid there. I also have had a non-resident Oregon permit for two and a half years, and recently Arizona has accepted that permit as legal in their state. Idaho's permit is not valid in a lot of states because there is no requirement for training. It allows for counties to require it.
To follow up, check for laws regarding concealed weapons and various states' resiprosity. There is a tool where you can plug in the permit(s) you have to see where you can legally carry concealed.

As far as the national bill (HR 407), I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, I think this and all issues related to firearms should be a state issue, not federal. But it would be nice to be able to carry in any state that issues a permit. I don't think this will ever happen though.

It sucks for Vermonters & Alaskans, because most states require something for non-residents. If those two states would issue something to those that request it, problem solved. Maybe they already do. They are concerned with the liberties of their residents more than other states, yet are seemingly punished for that when they leave the state.
Hey Hangar,

I thought Joe DiMaggio made people introduce himself as the "greatest ________". I am thinking it may have been "baseball player", or was it "hitter".

He was supposedly quite insistent as all introductions had the "greatest ______" line in it. Was Williams as hung up on it after his career as the great DiMaggio?
DiMaggio insisted on being introduced as "The Greatest Living Baseball player" Too bad people caved into that since Willie Mays is still alive.

Williams considered himself, correctly IMO, as the greatest pure hitter.
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