Kill buffaloes to control disease?

Ithaca 37

New member
Mar 4, 2001
Home of the free, Land of the brave
"Buffalo Kill To Control Disease Questioned
Environmental Groups Dispute Risk to Cattle
By Juliet Eilperin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, March 26, 2004; Page A03

For most Americans, buffaloes are icons of an era when much of America was wild and unspoiled.

But to state and federal park officials around Yellowstone National Park, the bison also represent the threat of brucellosis, a disease that causes both buffaloes and cattle to spontaneously abort their young. In an effort to protect susceptible cows on ranches bordering the park, park rangers have been shooting a growing number of the buffaloes that each winter wander out of the park in search of food.

So far this year, National Park Service and Montana Department of Livestock employees have shot 278 of the roughly 4,200 wild buffaloes that roam the park's confines. The program -- a boon to neighboring cattle owners and a bane to environmentalists -- has been in place for nearly a decade. But as the number of dead bison mount, criticism of the practice has grown......"

What do you guys think about this?
Maybe we should experiment with the technique; say shoot gays to cure AIDS? :confused:

Didn't know you cared! :eek:

The true concern is for Bangs disease. I haven’t personally experienced this disease; just know that it’s a concern for all livestock growers!

Yes, this does sound like faulty logic; however, short of vaccinating all the buffalo, which wouldn’t be possible, there is no cure! Getting back to your plan to shoot all the queers, to stop AIDS, that wouldn't be possible either, as AIDS, is being transferred via bi’s, to the heterosexuals too!

Ken :cool: :D ;)
Anybody know how bison got brucellosis in the first place? :rolleyes:


*Dangit Ithaca...posting an article I have to register to see. ;)
I knew that! And you know that, I knew that, you knew that. I know that!! :D (That was my point!) ;)
So buffalo would probably infect one another; mother to calf or through the respiratory system. :( Not good!!
Can't believe I'm doing this
, look here for more information about Bangs disease: or,

Yeah, paws, I knew you knew, which is why I stroked your pun.

Ken :cool: :D ;)