Sitka Pre Season Savings

Kenetrek Boots


Active member
Dec 1, 2009
I have had my kenetreks for less then 5 months and they already leak.... has anyone else had this problem, i have used there product for treatment of the leather but was just wondering if this is what is to be expected from these boots if so should have saved the money and just bought another pair of Danners.
I have the same problem with my hardscrabbles. The extra stout leather soaks up water like a sponge and takes forever to dry.
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I use, or should say abuse, mine. Both mountain extremes and hardsrabble lights and have no problems, only great results. I use the leather treatment before and after each season.

Might think about contacting them, as they would want to hear about such issues.
My buddy has a pair and has had nothing but good things to say about them. Like Randy said, I'm willing to bet they would make things right if you gave them a call.
I just got my sweet pair in the mail that I won from this web site. I tried them on and walked around the house and so far no leaks. The guy that owns Kenetrek even threw in a thing of boot wax. My impression from this company is that they will take care of any problems that someone may have.
I can't wait to try them in the field. I tried Lawnboys on before mine. He said that is what he wore on his Alaska hunt where everything is wet and the worked great. He also used some gators that Kenetrek makes.
They will take care of you. My buddy cut his with a hatchet and knocked a couple loops off two weeks before his Dall Sheep hunt. Sent it in and they repaired it no questions asked, send them in.
I literally walked up a creek bottom in the water for 2 hours on my Dall hunt and then hunted 4 days in the rain with no leaks. The only time I had an issue was when I tried to cross a creek/river without my gators and the water came over the top. I would have to believe that if you send them in with proof of purchase they will take care of you.

I absolutely love mine and wish I had a pair of hardscrabbles as well. The issue of the leather soaking up the water should have no effect on the water proofness. If they are leaking then there is an issue with the windtex membrane.
I bought my mountain extreme's last august and they held water out for the first couple months then started leaking badly. I tried the leather treatment that they recommended with there boots and had no luck with it either. They are to the point now that my feet get wet walking through dewey grass in the morning.... I absolutley love every other aspect of how these boots perform, but just haven't had good luck with the water proofing. I'll send mine back to Kenetrek in December after everything has settled down to see if they can help me out some how.
There's a reason why the majority of top tier boots like Lowa and Meindl use gore tex,it's actually waterproof.Simms has really good luck with using gore tex in their waders also.Then again Nike stopped using cheap exposed EVA sponge in their shoes back in the 1980's,yet Kenetrek still uses it in $300 plus boots. Just sayin'.
Every boot I've ever owned with gore tex has leaked eventually. Doesn't matter the brand. My vasques just started this week leaking in one side and they are 1/1/2 years old. I wear Gore tex socks in my shoes for work because of the wet grass in the mornings. I usually get a year or two at best before they begin to leak. I do agree that gore tex is probably the best water proof membrane out there but some others seem to be working well like eVent and this Windtex that Kenetrek is using. I still don't see how the EVA should be causing the leaks. The failure is in the membrane. The EVA helped with weight reduction. Those other boots you mentioned don't have the single vamp construction that Kenetrek uses which means less seams and less chance for small debris to get into and break down the water proof membrane.

Like I said earlier every boot will eventually leak but you would hope that if you're shelling out $300+ dollars they better last at least 4+ seasons without trouble, doesn't matter what brand.
The EVA isn't causing leaking but it does act as a sponge and it holds the water next to the boot,plus its about as cheap of construction as you can get.Combine that with a proprietary membrane of unknown make up and it's little wonder they leak.Your pair of 1 1/2 year old leaking chink made vasques isn't much of a testament,but I do have a pair of chink vasque velocity goretex tennis shoes that are three years old and have about $60 worth of loctite super glue holding them together.Still waterproof even with standing water in a boat.

I've had single vamp lowas and they weren't a single bit better then other lowas,which means they were all waterproof and I wore out the boot before leaking ever became an issue.I've got a pair of Lowa Tibets right now that are 4 years old beat to hell and get worn year round that are still waterproof. The rand has yet to tear or seperate which does a bunch to prevent leaking.

Gore tex in a sock construction like danner uses is arguably the most waterproof design,I've had danners where the toe box was ripped wide open and the goretex membrane exposed and still the boots were not leaking.Plus there isn't a part on a pair of american made danners that danner won't or can't rebuild.

Kenetrek is a comfortable boot,which in itself is a major selling point,but their construction leaves a lot to be desired.

If your wearing out a pair of boots in a couple seasons it could mean you're actually hunting.
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I'm sorry you're not too keen on the construction of their boots. They sure seem equal to anything I've ever worn. I used to use Danners and had about 6 pair over the years. They all leaked as well. I only brought up my Vasques because they are gore tex. Maybe the chinese and Italians are trying to sabotage us American boot buyers. I do know that the windtex membrane in Kenetreks is a sock/bootie style insert as are the gore membranes in the other quality brands.
There's always going to be a failure rate in any brand and so you have to look at percentage that haven't had trouble as well.

Almost all running shoes still have an Eva midsole. It's comfortable and light but I'm sure it can absorb water. I haven't noticed much in my running shoes.
I'm not trying to profess to be an expert and I surely haven't wore out a pair of hunting boots in 2 years(someday I'll be that good) but I'm giving my Kenetreks a trial run this season and so far so good.
Hope you have a successful season. I'll zip it for now. I'm more of a lover than a fighter anyway;)
Just bought a pair yesterday, wore them in the rain today and they didn't after 1/2 mile in wet grass they are still good:):)LOL