Keeping Promises

I forgot to mention...your sister sounds like a "shit magnet" where men are concerned. I know, I have two sisters just like this. It may not have a name yet but its a syndrome that she will not break free from by herself. Maybe your BiL is basically decent, F'ed up and needs to put in check, but more than likely this wasn't the first time he's hit her and odds are it won't be the last. Either was she needs counseling.

Any woman who tolerates getting hit has deep self-esteem issues.

By all means still kick his ass, but push your sister to get help.

Best of luck to you

NUT, I would fullfill the promise, but I wouldn't have posted it as evidence. IF he falls down he could blame it on you.

I know form experience. I told a guy I was gonna kick his ass. Somebody beat me to it. But alot of people heard me saying I was gonna do it. Guess who got locked up till I could get enough witnesses to say I was somewhere else at the time. So sshhhh, don't say nothing just do it.
I agree with Whiskas (may I call you Whiskas?
). As the saying goes, "revenge is a dish best served cold." One thing is for sure: your first job is to convince your sister to lose the bastard. All else is for naught if you don't...even if he never touches her physically again, there are ways to make her life a living hell anyway. She's better off without him.
I always wondered what was wrong with these idiotic women... til it was me.

Took me three seperate incidents before I kicked this moron to the curb. Called up Moosie to move me out. I think he was there in under a half an hour.

It's hard to say exactly how the rationalization works, even from this side of it. Luckily though, the man I married is a doll. The trick is, he was a set-up. If you know you are bad at picking men, maybe it's better to let your friends help out. Usually they have your best interests at heart.

Best wishes to your sister, it's harder to dump these dummies than it looks.
!!!"I'd stomp his ass into the dirt when he was least expecting it"!!!
That makes the fear factor just that much more interesting
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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