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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2018
Was wondering how y'all feel about what's going on. Are we turning into a society of guilty until proven innocent? They are accusing a man of do something stupid as a drunk teenager. I'm sure none of you has ever made a bad decision as a drunk teenager. So do we ruin a stellar career based on the perspective of one person? We are a country run by a bunch of nutless men that will do anything to get reelected. Even though this is not a hunting or public lands issue this still affects us as gun owners.
I watched most of it and it was a sham. The display by the Dem's was a disgrace. Senator Graham said it best.

I lean very far right so you can imagine my opinions...

...however, I come to these forums to talk about the animals we've killed, how to kill them better, and what ones we want to kill in the future. If there is some politikal talking needing done about that, I am all ears.
I've been seeing the headlines regarding this situation and read a few articles about it and what really hits me is that it would be great if the most serious issue facing our country was what a couple drunk 17 year olds did 35 years ago. I guess I don't understand the ins and outs of party politics enough for this to make sense to me...
Everyone remembers where they were on 9/11. No way that she wouldn't remember who drove her home. The driver would have seen that she was traumatized and would have pressed her about it. She got no hard questions and was treated like a hero. Whereas Brett was grilled and treated like a serial gang banger. Way too convenient that she can't remember anything but is 100% sure Brett tried to rape her.
My wife and I have been going back and forth on this issue since it started. Her opinion is that any allegation of sexual assault should be investigated, which I'm inclined to agree, because we should be empowering victims to come forward when it happens. My only issue with it is that the court of public opinion is often much harsher than the halls of Congress. Growing up my dad always told me to be very careful about who I'm alone with because I don't even have to do anything wrong to get accused of rape, just be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know that speaks pretty ill of women but in the court room it's her word against mine and I'm inclined to think a jury will side with the "victim". Is that a terrible way to look at it? Maybe, it certainly isn't speaking favorably toward women but better safe than sorry.
Kavanaugh's accuser is only further damaging the credibility of actual victims of sexual assault. Women talk about how no one believes them when it happens... this is why. I think most people take crimes against women and children extremely personal so anytime someone is accused of rape or sexual assault the response is visceral. In this case, Democrats took full advantage of that response by the public but destroyed the credibility of actual victims at the same time. More than that, they smeared the good name of a man who had spent his life in the pursuit of ensuring justice is served to all. Graham was right, but was anyone listening..... or are we just gonna toe the party lines like we have, consequences be damned?
My wife and I have been going back and forth on this issue since it started. Her opinion is that any allegation of sexual assault should be investigated, which I'm inclined to agree, because we should be empowering victims to come forward when it happens. My only issue with it is that the court of public opinion is often much harsher than the halls of Congress. Growing up my dad always told me to be very careful about who I'm alone with because I don't even have to do anything wrong to get accused of rape, just be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I know that speaks pretty ill of women but in the court room it's her word against mine and I'm inclined to think a jury will side with the "victim". Is that a terrible way to look at it? Maybe, it certainly isn't speaking favorably toward women but better safe than sorry.
Kavanaugh's accuser is only further damaging the credibility of actual victims of sexual assault. Women talk about how no one believes them when it happens... this is why. I think most people take crimes against women and children extremely personal so anytime someone is accused of rape or sexual assault the response is visceral. In this case, Democrats took full advantage of that response by the public but destroyed the credibility of actual victims at the same time. More than that, they smeared the good name of a man who had spent his life in the pursuit of ensuring justice is served to all. Graham was right, but was anyone listening..... or are we just gonna toe the party lines like we have, consequences be damned?

Very well said!! I agree completely! I am a huge fan of women. I married one. I am also a supporter of women's rights. Having said that, we know some women can be....lets say....vindictive at times. I think it's disgusting that any woman can simply come up with a story, true or false, and immediately destroy a mans life in one fell swoop. To those who are actually victims of sexual assult (and I am certain there are many) I am very sorry. However, the reason it's hard to believe you isn't men....its the vindictive women that seem to think it's okay to create lies. And with absolutely no consequence, might I add. I know a guy who is a FANTASTIC father. He loves his daughter more than anything. His ex wife accused him of sexually assaulting their daughter over 40 separate times before the Drs finally called the police ON HER. She was simply told to stop it. Disgusting! An easy way to stop this problem is to charge these women who lie with a crime. I have no idea if these Kavanaugh women are lying or not......but 35 years ago? Hard to go back that far, at this point.
If she we're your daughter you would want justice. If he were your son you'd want evidence. Now that we can agree then let's get back to talking hunting before people start making an ass of themselves.
If she was truly molested, one would think that she'd have told someone about it at the time. She was 15 at the time? Why was she at a party and drinking? And more importantly, why did she attend more than one such drinking party? No recollection of anything other than a 100% recollection that it was the Judge that was the molester. He is already being called a rapist. After 36 years she has no credibility. Her "Go Fund Me" account was at over half a million a week ago. I suspect she's lying for this retirement account, and whatever she gets from Soros or his henchmen.
This should have been investigated privately. The accusation was held back then leaked. A new low bar has been set. I hope people wake up to what is going on. I suspect most won't.
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