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Kansas deadline has been moved up

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Not sure how many of you guys plan to apply in Kansas this year, but if you do, the deadline has been moved up. It was previously a late May deadline. This year, it is April 30th. You are now warned.

Since I burned my points in 2008, I am a slacker and at the bottom of the list. Spitz has offered that if I promise to pack out any deer he shoots, give him first shot, and agree not to stop at every Dairy Queen along the road, he will let me add my tag application to that cumbersome bundle of Kansas deer points that he has been dragging around for years. I suspect with his points and my luck, we are assured of a tag. :D

I guess Kansas deer points are sort of like fishing boats and good hunting dogs - You don't need them if a good friend has them. Thanks Spitz. ;)

Anyhow, if you are interested, here is the place to apply.

This time, I will make the kill before the camera guys leave.......I promise. Photofin is surely looking forward to this episode. He had so much fun last time.

Thanks for the heads up! I'm packing 4 or 5 points. I guess I need to get off my duff and figure out a place to hunt and cash them in sometime...
Spitz has offered that if I promise to pack out any deer he shoots, give him first shot, and agree not to stop at every Dairy Queen along the road, he will let me add my tag application to that cumbersome bundle of Kansas deer points that he has been dragging around for years.

You promised 60 degrees and partly cloudy as well. ;)