Caribou Gear

Juvenile Dirty Old Man Syndrome

Gerald Martin

Well-known member
Jul 3, 2009
What the hell guys? Some of you have no problems playing the dirty old man trope to perfection in your mockery of women hunters who look for attention on social media and hunting contests.

The now locked and removed thread asking for votes is a classic example.

Think about how your daughter, wife, girlfriend or females you care about would respond to reading those comments.

The fact that some women give in to the pressure to objectify themselves doesn’t make it right for guys in this community to wholeheartedly participate without responsibility.

@Big Fin nuke this thread of you have to, but I can’t not say anything.
I didn't see anything sexist when I posted. That thread was kinda pathetic. Begging for points to win some scam contest is not the precedent any of us wants to see on this forum. Belongs elsewhere. That was essentially what I said. All that needed to be said. No need to get gender specific.
I think I'm with @Gerald Martin on this one and it was a good reminder that I sometimes need to check myself. While I didn't comment directly I did 'thumbs up' and 'like' the posts referencing the adult-only page.

I think about what would I have done differently or how would I have felt if my daughter (who is only 5 years old now) somewhat blindly posted around the web asking for votes for some contest (whether the contest was a scam or not is irrelevant and I think we've all been there trying to get something for nothing in a contest or scam) and someone shot back asking if she had an adult content page? I would likely be upset and a little pissed. Would it be a good learning opportunity for my daughter, probably. But would I have felt differently, definitely yes.
So thanks Gerald for the reminder.
I reported the thread before it devolved...mostly because she signed up, commented the minimum required times to start a thread, and then proceeded to beg for likes with no intentions of contributing anything of value. I didn't see what happened after that but it sounds bad.

The post season winter nonsense may be starting too soon.

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