Just to lighten things up


New member
Dec 11, 2000
<LI>"You can tell the holidays are close. You can feel it. Today a 70-foot Norway spruce was selected as the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree. What says the holidays better then the destruction of a 200-year-old miracle of nature?

<LI>It’s enormous. The tree is huge. They lash it down and then bring it to New York City on a barge. It’s the same way they brought Michael Moore to the Republican convention.

<LI>Here’s something you don’t know. You’ve all been too busy with your own lives to notice. This is week five of Martha Stewart in jail. Martha has been keeping busy. She just filmed her Thanksgiving special, "Thanksgiving in Lockdown."

<LI>Hillary Clinton may run for president in 2008. Bill Clinton is so excited about this he’s already interviewing for White House interns.

<LI>This also marks the 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I believe that was the biggest thing to go down in the political world until ... well ... Monica. "